The CASTS Summer Party will be an excellent opportunity for networking with fellow tech startups

Capital Enterprise to celebrate the outstanding achievement that has been the CASTS Project with a sensational summer party

Capital Enterprise
Capital Enterprise
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2019


Over the past 3 years, the Capital Enterprise CASTS Project (Capital Accelerate & Scale Tech Superstars), in partnership with 16 of London’s high-quality accelerator programmes, has dramatically influenced the growth and success of London’s tech startup scene. With over 760 of London’s top tech startups supported, 800 jobs created and £135 million of private investment raised, CASTS has been one of the most successful publicly funded programmes to create jobs and leverage private investment. Hundreds of entrepreneurs, businesses, and the startup ecosystem as a whole, have benefitted from this most essential project that is now coming to an end.

The CASTS Project has provided essential financial and practical support to tech focused SME’s by enabling them to rapidly scale up, grow and raise further investment through the provision of London’s accelerator programmes including EF, Techstars, Seedcamp and Rebel Bio. CASTS also financed Capital Enterprise’s hugely successful Green Light programme.

Despite the outstanding success and contribution that CASTS has made towards the London tech startup ecosystem, the project is coming to an end in June. According to John Spindler, CEO of Capital Enterprise, “The funding comes to an end partly due to the ending of all EU funding for innovation and entrepreneurship support, a reality that will start to impact from now, assuming the UK does leave the EU, and changing priorities of the Mayor of London. It will leave a hole in the London startup tech ecosystem that will not be easily filled.”

“Even so, we at Capital Enterprise are immensely proud of our achievements and of the work that we’ve undertaken, so we’re going out with a bang. Hence our summer party to which you’re all invited.”

The party promises to be both an opportunity to let your hair down and also a chance to network with fellow tech startups and entrepreneurs. Party organiser, Martha Yeandle, said: “At this fabulous summer party you can partake in quirky garden games, eat tasty mexican food and try our frozen margaritas. There will also be a DJ, a photo booth and much more. So come along and join us for networking and entertainment.”

The CASTS summer party will take place on Thursday 6 June 2019. For more information and to book a place at the party please follow this link:



Capital Enterprise
Capital Enterprise

We are London’s startup experts; connecting & energising a world-class entrepreneurship ecosystem.