Why this blog?

Martin Rannje
Capital Letter
Published in
1 min readDec 4, 2020


Why spend time on writing about high growth tech finance and management?

Well, I started the blog firstly because I like to write. I have an academic inclination that I regularly try to suppress in my professional work, but it means I like to form arguments and theses and discuss them.

Second, I needed somewhere to collect my thoughts. I spend a lot of time gathering knowledge to explore new problems faced by a startup or get better at solving existing problems. So what better place than to collect them in public where everyone else can also benefit.

Lastly, I believe thoughts and reflections are not worth much without practical applicability. And I feel like there is a clear gap here when it comes to the content on the internet. Most knowledge and “thought leadership” on the net is simply not actionable without further clarification. Hence I will try and make my thinking as clear and actionable as possible. For that reason, comments and questions are obviously also welcome.

Finally, to quote the most important Western philosopher of the 20th century: “Our knowledge can be only finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite.” — Karl Popper

Martin Rannje — December 2020

