Contribute to CL

Mckayla Eaton
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2018

No one can be a pro at everything, and Speculative Fiction is a big umbrella to stand under alone.

If you have an article related to Speculative Fiction that you think is a good fit for Capital Letters then send it my way — just make sure you’ve read and are familiar with the blog before submitting.

What I’m Looking For:

  • Writing Advice/Tips: something specific (or at least especially pertinent) to speculative fiction or one of its sub genres.
  • Book Reviews: on books written in the previous or current year. I like to keep things fresh.
  • Industry News: did you hear about a new magazine launching — or one closing? Angry or ecstatic about award nominations? Let everyone know.

What I REALLY Want:

  • Personal Experiences of Conventions: some of us don’t have the luxury of traveling to conventions. Let us know how it was! The good, the bad, and the fun.
  • Niche Sub-Genres: do you exclusively read or write Cyberpunk, or Military SF, or Slipstream? Then you probably have insights I don’t. I’d love to hear you gush about your genre. What are the cliches, the best examples of the genre, the limitations and unspoken rules?
  • Game Writers: writing for video games or table-top. It’s something I don’t know a lot about but is a central part of speculative fiction culture.

How to Submit:

Send me an e-mail ( that includes a link to your Medium profile, and your article pasted in the body of the email.

If I like your article I’ll add you as a writer and send you a confirmation e-mail.

Make sure you have an unpublished draft of your article ready to go on Medium. At least one of its tags should be Articles. Once you’ve received confirmation via e-mail go into your draft and select Add to Publications. Capital Letters should be in the drop down menu.

Then, once I approve it, voila, you are published on Capital Letters. Welcome Aboard!

NOTE: If you want to choose an image, you can, but it must be sourced and I have to approve it. Don’t send it in the e-mail, I will approve, or disapprove, it once I receive it via Medium. If I don’t approve your image, or if you do not provide one, I will attach one to the article.



Mckayla Eaton

Canadian Fantasy Author. Passionate about story telling and teaching the craft of writing to new writers.