What is the power of Pride?

This month, we celebrate the intersection of the power of tech with the power of Pride

Capital One Tech
Capital One Tech
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4 min readJun 11, 2021


For the LGBTQ+ community, Pride month is a chance to proudly and freely express love for yourself, each other and the community. From its violent beginning with the Stonewall Riots, Pride not only symbolizes the fight for equal rights for all LGBTQ+ individuals, it’s also a celebration of all those within the community who live their truth freely and proudly — wherever they may be on their personal journey.

LGBTQ+ engineers and developers have been a foundational part of the tech industry since Day 1. This Pride, we celebrate their contributions, and the intersection of the power of tech with the power of Pride.

Unite the Community

Because feeling connected with peers and allies matters.

Expand Visibility

Creating a safe space and platform for associates to share their experiences and thought leadership.

  • Creating Inclusion at Work: Perspectives from LGBTQ Leaders — For Capital One leaders Andy, Allison and Jen, being out and sharing their full identity freely in the office has helped them not only thrive in their work, but also create more inclusive spaces for their teams and help Capital One drive changes across a wider variety of associates in the organization.
  • Associate Reflections — To highlight the power that is Pride across the globe, we asked Capital One associates, including many from our engineering teams, to reflect on their personal, powerful Pride experiences. Here’s what they said, in their own words.
  • Featured Article: Using Templated Documentation- Our tech blog not only gives the low down on our high tech, but it’s a chance for associates of all backgrounds to share their subject matter expertise. Check out this recent article by Ariel Diamond on how templates are an invaluable documentation tool that can communicate unrecognized assumptions and help users get started, and keep using, your service.

Move LGBTQ+ Rights Forward

We know there’s still much to be done in the fight for equality–but when we come together as a community, our voices are more powerful and impact more lasting.

  • Capital One Announces Strong Support for Equality ActAt Capital One, we’ve had a long-standing commitment to the LGBTQ+ community and most recently advocated for the passage of the Equality Act to ensure its members equal protections under the law. We continue to advocate for the passage of the Equality Act in partnership with the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and other groups.
  • Deepening our investment in the LGBTQ+ Community — We believe it’s our responsibility to continuously advocate for an equitable and inclusive society, where everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression feels empowered to be themselves and have an equal opportunity to thrive. As part of those efforts, we’re thrilled to announce that we are making a direct investment in the community through more than $500,000 in funding to support two of our partners that are driving change: Out & Equal and The National Center for Transgender Equality.
  • Inclusive Benefits Help LGBTQ+ Employees Thrive — For associates at Capital One, thriving comes down to finding the benefits and resources they need to support who they love, and reflect how they identify and choose to create their families. The benefits package we offer was created to support all associates, with equity being at the forefront of decision-making and acknowledging that while different people have different needs, everybody and every family deserves to live well — physically, financially and emotionally.

We know that diversity and inclusivity makes us stronger — not just during Pride, but every day. We are committed to using our voice and our platform to advocate for positive change on behalf of our associates, customers and communities and invite you to join us. Learn more how we’re celebrating and honoring Pride at Capital One this year.

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Capital One Tech
Capital One Tech

From our founding, we’ve used tech to change the banking industry. Today, our innovations are making banking better for tens of millions of our customers.