A Letter to a Stranger

Mir Shahzad
Capital Writer
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2021

who is sitting on the river bank

Hey Stranger,

You are sitting on the river, the river whose history is worth history when the world is created. In the past, when people were thinking of building a new township, they would see that there was a river nearby. And if there was a river, they would settle there permanently. Even today, when you look around — when you look at this planet, you will find many cities that were built by the river and are still inhabited today.

Photo by Sid Leigh on Unsplash

Mr. Unknown! Perhaps you are sad to see the water of this river. Maybe you are afraid of the shadow of this water. Probably this evening, you’re looking for someone as your partner. But, O stranger, you can find the romance of the city this evening. Perhaps this whole settlement on the banks of the river has been inhabited by their ancestors after finding this river. It is also possible that an unknown number of settlements and cities are settled on the banks of this river. Perhaps you have no idea about it. And yes, what do you think? You are sad alone? That sadness has brought you to this river bank, and you want to spend a few moments alone?

But remember, these are the moments when successful people are born. If you also want to succeed, get up and decide at this moment and change your destiny instead of being sad. Cash the moment.

O, Stranger! Perhaps you find my words nonsense that his words have no significance and with no direction. Remember my dear, often the words of a madman are also words of great work.

“The river moves, but it follows a path. When it tires of one journey, it rubs through some rock to forge a new way. Hard work, but that’s its nature.” (Kekla Magoon)

Once, I came here — the same bank of the river — the same corner; I was sitting in the same place. The birds were flying. Perhaps they were looking at me surprisingly, that he is one who has left chaos and come here. And then I picked up a stone and threw it into the water and the stone ate the puddles and went inside. The fishes inside were worried about what is happening outside, today?

But, my friend, one thing is clear — leaving the chaos and sitting by the river is a relief. The mind is definitely open. Ideas are definitely born. And there is definitely a chance to remember someone. To see nature — To think — to hear the chirping of birds, and to see the awe of the river and its waves.

Hey bro! sorry for disturbing you, it is your life — chill it.

