Decentralized Exchanges

Capital Finance
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2021

Since the dawn of cryptocurrencies, exchanges have been a fundamental part of enabling financial interactions between buyers and sellers. Mostly, the centralized networks have dominated due to several factors such as responsibility and maintenance. Nevertheless, with the spike in new innovations within the blockchain ecosystem, decentralized platforms have also started accommodating such needs. As a result, the number of platforms for decentralized exchanges has also observed exponential growth.

Decentralized exchanges were introduced to eradicate the need for any third-party to govern the transactions. However, with time, decentralized exchanges have grown far beyond being just a platform and have become the de facto choice for a trust-based and transparent ecosystem.

What are Decentralized Exchanges:

Decentralized exchanges are autonomous decentralized applications that permit the purchasers or dealers of the cryptocurrencies to exchange without surrendering command over their assets to any third party in between.

Unlike centralized exchanges, where clients have to give up control over their assets or crypto resources to a third party, decentralized exchanges facilitate complete power to the buyers and sellers.

How does a decentralized exchange works:

Depending on their core technology aspect, decentralized exchanges can be of the following four types:

On-chain order books:

In few decentralized exchanges, each order is kept in sync with the blockchain. In these types of exchanges, the buyers and sellers are not required to confide in any third party to hand-off the orders. Since each node on the network is bound to store or record the transaction details, a considerable expense in form of a transaction fee is charged. Moreover, until a miner adds the message or transaction to the blockchain, the whole process remains at a halt. Stellar and Bitshares DEX use on-chain order books.

Off-chain order books:

Off-chain order books are decentralized to an extent. Rather than each order being presented on the blockchain, they’re facilitated at someplace. A centralized entity can be responsible for the order book. If the entity turns out to be vindictive, they could just distort the orders. Nonetheless, the user would always be in a profitable state due to any case profit by the non-custodial capacity.

This method is predominant from an ease of use point of view than those that depend on on-chain order books. Binance DEX, 0x and EtherDelta are decentralized exchanges using off-chain order books.

Automated Market Makers (AMM):

Automated Market Makers detonated in popularity in the year 2020, driving a significant part of the DeFi boom. This concept is utilized by well-known DEX stages like Uniswap, SushiSwap, and Kyber Network. Automated Market Makers have no requirement for order books. All things considered, they use smart contracts to shape liquidity pools that consequently execute exchanges dependent on certain parameters.


DEXs are ending up being among the most mainstream decentralized application decision for users. D-Apps are open-source applications that don’t need an agent to oversee client data, or to function. D-Apps are classified into three kinds:

● D-Apps that work only with money,

● DApps where the money is involved/included along with a resilience on outside data, and

● D-Apps that incorporate administration networks and voting.


DEXs face significant difficulties, and complete decentralization may not be altogether conceivable at this point. A hybrid model might be the most ideal route forward. The advantages of a centralized exchange, like its speed and approaches, are clubbed with the security, protection, and non-custodial attributes of decentralized exchanges. In any case, the innovation and advancement behind DEXs will affect how cryptocurrencies are exchanged. As the financial system evolves and innovation proceeds to create and advance, DEXs are certain to bring cryptocurrency exchanges a step closer to being reasonable, private, and free but more importantly, widely acceptable.



Capital Finance

Capital. Finance is a Defi project based on Ethereum's blockchain that creates a new DeFi exchange allows users to swap tokens with serval other use cases.