Looking Forward: CapitalG’s 2022 Predictions

Published in
5 min readDec 15, 2021

Technology’s influence on society is hardly new, but in the last year we’ve seen a dramatic evolution in the ways it impacts how we work, travel, play and take care of ourselves and loved ones. We’re still working to develop an optimal “new normal,” even as what is “normal” keeps changing. Looking ahead to 2022, here are some trends and innovations that we believe are key to understanding the year ahead.

A Stronger Voice Within the Enterprise

Developers will become the new gatekeepers within Fortune 500 IT departments — not just inside tech companies but within all enterprises. Developers have long wielded substantial power and decision-making authority within tech companies, but their influence will go mainstream in 2022.

Gene Frantz, General Partner

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Comeback of the Traditional IPO

2022 will mark the full return of the traditional IPO. The risk of competition from SPACs and direct listings has led to startup-friendly changes. Along with increased regulatory scrutiny over SPACs, these changes have dissipated most of the appeal for SPACs and direct listings.

Jeremiah Gordon, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer

Data’s Dominance in the Modern Enterprise

Data has become so critical to the modern enterprise that in 2022 five of the top 10 biggest tech IPOs will involve data companies.

Derek Zanutto, General Partner

More from Derek: The Rise of Data Lakes: Perspective from CapitalG General Partner Derek Zanutto

Global Tech’s Economic Potential

The Southeast Asian, Latin American, African and Indian tech markets have created more than $500B of technology value. Within the next decade this figure will reach $2T.

Sumi Das, Partner

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The Healthy, Hybrid Workforce

The new normal — with work and home inextricably linked — is here. Employers who prioritize employee well-being, flexibility, and equitable support for underrepresented groups will create workplaces optimized for all to thrive, and will gain an edge in the talent market.

Wendy Alexander, Chief People Officer

Digital Identification Goes Mainstream

In 2022, the majority of U.S. adults will adopt a portable ID verification solution that streamlines identity verification and improves data privacy and consumer experience. Security and user experience can finally go hand-in-hand.

Jesse Wedler, Partner

More from Jesse: Why the Digital Identity Process is Broken — and How ID.me Will Fix It

The Rise of the New CMO

In 2022, innovative CEOs will reshape the CMO function to reflect where marketing is going, not where it’s been. The old conglomeration of acquisition, brand and product marketing no longer fits many businesses. CEOs must get involved and tailor their orgs to reflect the emerging needs of their companies.

Thomas Palm, Growth Partner

Tackling the Hybrid Workplace Conundrum

2022 will mark the messy middle of the modern workplace. Employers will struggle with hybrid setups that are likely to fail most office-based and remote workers alike. Expect iteration as employers seek to rebuild connections and community.

Johan Duramy, Senior Operating Partner

More from Johan: Growth Profiles: How CapitalG Supports Investments Post-Money

Here Come the B2B Unicorns

In 2022, more than a dozen new B2B marketplace and infrastructure unicorns will get their horns. Amazon, Stripe and Shopify have yielded trillions of dollars in company value — , yet the potential of B2B commerce is 3x that of B2C retail.

Laela Sturdy, General Partner

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NFTs Move to the Main Stage

NFTs will grow by 1000% in 2022, driven by continued experimentation in gaming and collectibles and by media attention from artists and celebrities. Transaction costs remain the biggest constraint; gas fees will need to get close to zero for NFTs to ultimately reach their full potential.

David Lawee, General Partner

More from David: Digital Currency Group: Building the Leading Financial Services Holding Company for Web 3.0

There’s no doubt that 2022 will be another memorable and challenging year for society and for business. We look forward to tackling whatever next year brings with our incredible founders, team, and community.




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