Meet our people: Introducing the Behind the Capital newsletter

Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2021

“Why now?”

Eight years into CapitalG’s existence, this is the question we ask ourselves before entering any new investment — and now, the question we ask ourselves ahead of launching our newsletter.

We’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on how the world is changing, and the growth journey for companies that are making it better. What does strong leadership within growth-stage companies look like? How should companies that have achieved product/market fit approach pricing? What are key steps along the path from first customer to IPO?

For us, change and growth have always been about the people. Now seems like a good time for you to get to know ours.

Behind the Capital is your introduction to the portfolio company leaders, investors and Alphabet advisors responsible for our collective success. It gives a chance for us to go deeper into the themes and ideas that we believe will shape the future.

2021 has been a milestone year for CapitalG, with 14 new investments, 6 IPOs, and an avalanche of content sharing insights from our founders, investors and advisors. We’re excited to share even more stories and insights that can help accelerate your company’s growth.

Click here to sign up for Behind the Capital

To your continued growth,

The CapitalG Team




We are Alphabet’s independent growth fund