An Introduction to Capitalism Reimagined, a Project Focused on the Stories and Journey of those who are Reshaping Capitalism to Build a Better World

Jeffrey Prost-Greene
Capitalism Reimagined
4 min readSep 17, 2020

COVID-19 has put humanity, critical institutions and government at a crossroads. Far too many people are finding that societal systems are no longer working for them. It is imperative to rethink how we can restructure our economic and political system so that it becomes regenerative and circular, rather than exploitative and extractive. Capitalism Reimagined is a multi-media project focused on awakening the public consciousness by breaking down silos between social entrepreneurs, investors, and value-driven consumers to usher in new business models based on sustainable environmental development and social and economic equity and inclusivity.

Capitalism Reimagined will tell the unknown and often overlooked story of the people behind these social ventures who are working towards building a brighter future. These stories, unique to each, but universal in humanity’s desire to build back a better world, will chronicle and showcase mission-driven entrepreneurs, companies, investors and policymakers who are reimagining the way we do business and enact policies.

Throughout childhood I, like many of my generation, assumed the adults in the room were the ones addressing the life and death issues that would most impact their children, thus setting an example for prosperity, equity and a better future. I assumed their sense of urgency; the same urgency I feel now, to create a more equitable environmental, social and economic world, was fueled for the sake of their progeny.

Although many individuals, organizations, and changemakers in government, business, and civil society are working tirelessly to address these issues, our generation must take responsibility because our lives are most susceptible to the greatest disruption and impact. Movements, whether community-based or nationally driven, must start demanding and creating the future in which we will exist. If not now, when? If not us, who?

From addressing unsustainable food systems to exorbitant student debt, the social enterprise ecosystem is leading systemic change and redefining the way we do business to create a more just and sustainable future. The social enterprise sector is made up of non-profits, LLC’s and newly diversified legal structures that are rapidly becoming a larger percentage of GDP, generating billions in revenue and employing hundreds of thousands of people.

Yet, the Great Social Enterprise Census, finds that the sector is siloed and continues to be overlooked, under-resourced, and financially scarce. It lacks the general public and policy support necessary to scale and become ubiquitous in the financial sector. This directly stems from consumers’ lack of guidance on where to shop to support social enterprises, policymakers’ lack of familiarity and solutions to put private enterprise to work in the service of public good, and investors’ inability to know what kind of capital will help the sector scale. Evaluating companies’ risk and measuring their social/environmental impact and return has been overwhelming and resource-intensive.

  • There has been a rapid transformation in the social enterprise sector and economy with 89% of social enterprises having been established since 2011.
  • 45% of social enterprises have less than $250,000 in revenue.
  • Approximately 80% of social enterprises last less than 3 years.

Capitalism Reimagined will kick off with a published interview series, followed by a city and nation-wide multimedia tour focused on connecting and building a deeper understanding between the world and the social enterprise sector, while engaging the public to more seamlessly align their money with their values. As Gen-Z and Millennials now account for 40% of consumers and influence nearly $4 billion of discretionary spending, their values have shifted towards purchasing habits that are more green, sustainable, eco-friendly.

By awaking the public consciousness and providing a pathway for Millenial and Gen Z consumers to seamlessly align their money with their values, Capitalism Reimagined will spark collective action and support of the social enterprise ecosystem — equipping it with the resources needed to scale and build a more resilient ecosystem that will usher in equitable, inclusive and sustainable business practices. We will reimagine a new way of doing business that is committed to environmental sustainability, social equity and inclusion, and economic development.

About the Writer:

For the last decade, I’ve been working in political organizing and the social enterprise sector, founding and working with social enterprises and initiatives at the intersection of food systems, sustainable and community development and impact investing, both in the US and South Africa. This work shapes my fundamental belief that public policy, business and the collective power of individuals can and should work to be vehicles for addressing systemic and deeply rooted social and environmental issues. My dedication and leadership in the social impact sector have been recognized by Forbes and other leading social enterprise institutions.

