Starting off Modern: State of Congressional Modernization Keynote with Rep. Derek Kilmer and Rep. Rodney Davis

Anne Meeker
Capitol Hill TSD Cohort
3 min readDec 18, 2020
Virtual hearings and orientation sessions are just part of the modernization program Reps. Kilmer and Davis have helped steer in the 116th Congress

In the opening remarks for the First Branch Tech, Science, and Data New Member Orientation, POPVOX co-founder Marci Harris and Congressional Management Foundation CEO Brad Fitch are joined by Representative Derek Kilmer, Chairman of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress, and Representative Rodney Davis, Ranking Member of the Committee on House Administration, for a wide-ranging conversation on the state of Modernization in the House, advice to new Members of Congress on choosing staff wisely, and prioritizing their limited time in COVID.

For a full transcript of remarks, please see here. For a summary, see below.

Tech, Science, and Data Keynote on Congressional Modernization

Rep. Kilmer: Despite reports to the contrary, bipartisanship is alive and well — just in hiding

For example, Mr. Kilmer highlighted that the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress was a truly bipartisan committee, and functioned in a way that prioritized members coming together to find common ground. For that to work, committees/working groups/caucuses have to set the intention to be bipartisan from the beginning, and put in the work to stick to it. Part of that is setting clear goals and keeping them centered through a Congress — again, something the Select Committee excelled at.

Rep. Davis: You are now part of the institution you ran against, and are empowered to make it better

Mr. Kilmer also noted that previous efforts to improve the institution have had tangible impacts that you are now going to benefit from — like electronically adding your name to bills as cosponsors, rather than sending your staff running all over the hill to do it in person, or the remote work we’ve been able to shift to in the pandemic. These have also in part come from the smart observations and ‘fresh eyes’ of new Members — so keep your eyes peeled for ways Congress can improve, and find who you can work with (including the two on this panel) to make it happen.

Rep. Davis: Don’t just inherit the technology from your predecessor — make it part of your vision for how you want your office to run and act on it.

And on that note, as Mr. Davis noted, CHA is a resource for you to navigate the House bureaucracy to get the tech you need!

Rep. Davis: Make sure you have one person besides you in your office with decision-making authority

This will not only make it so that you don’t become the complaint resolution department in your office, but you can do double the planning in the transition period for what you want your office to look like on day one.

Rep. Kilmer: You might not realize this yet, but especially during COVID, your time is going to be even more limited. Set your priorities early to make sure you’re spending it wisely.

COVID has changed almost everything about Congress’s day-to-day operations. Mr. Kilmer noted that this is the time to let your staff be creative with finding new ways to fulfill the traditional functions of Congress, from outreach to casework, in remote work. And, again, as Mr. Davis echoed, touching on a theme that will repeat through the conference, the lower volume of traffic through your offices is one more reason to hire your staff slowly and strategically as you get a sense for what you’re going to need.

About the TSD Cohort

The First Branch Tech, Science, and Data Cohort was convened in the wake of Covid-19 by former Congressional staffers, Melissa Dargan, Marci Harris, and Nicole Tisdale, as a forum for information sharing and collaboration. The cohort is supported by Democracy Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Siegel Family Endowment, and POPVOX. Cohort members include the Modernization Staff Association, AEI, Advocacy Blueprints, American Federation of Scientists, Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation, College to Congress, Congressional Management Foundation, Demand Progress, Democracy Fund, GovLab at NYU, Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability at OSU, the Lincoln Network, POPVOX, vendors for House-approved Congressional technology, and more.

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Anne Meeker
Capitol Hill TSD Cohort

Once a district staffer, always a district staffer. TSD Program Director at POPVOX.