Capoeira makes you smile!
Capoeira makes you smile!

Capoeira 101

Professor Zumbi
Capoeira Wellness
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2019


This article explains the skill requirements for those beginning the practice of Capoeira. To become proficient in Capoeira, practice the skills in a module over and over again. It could take many hours and hundreds of repetitions to master a skill. However, once mastered, the skill can be employed in the roda. Strategically executing skills in a roda is the primary purpose of Capoeira training.

The Capoeira curriculum is broken into levels, modules, and skills. A student usually progresses to a new module once they have mastered 80% of the skills in the preceding module. A students level is determined by their mastery of skills.

Teaching Methodology

Complementary skills are bundled together into modules. This grouping facilitates mastering the various skills required to become a Capoeirista.

Instructions provided in class are usually designed to help a student progress from one module to the next. That said, there will be occasions where skills from different modules are mixed together to create a richer learning experience.

Deviations from the curriculum are made at the teacher’s discretion. Teachers typically make a final determination on what should actually be covered in any given class moments before the class begins. This decision heavily influenced by who shows up on a particular day and the average ability of the group of individuals present in the class.

Capoeira 101

Capoeira 101 refers to levels one and two of the Capoeira Wellness course. Please refer to the modules below:

Level 1 / Module 1

Level 1 / Module 2

Level 2 / Module 1

Level 2 / Module 2

[Last Updated: February 20th, 2019]

Course Objectives

The objectives of the course are:

  1. Develop an appreciation for the diversity of movement in Capoeira.
  2. Understand the different traditions of Capoeira movement and music.
  3. Learn to sing Capoeira songs and clap to Capoeira music.
  4. Cultivate an appreciation for the strategy (mandinga) behind Capoeira.
  5. Improve flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination.

Successful completion of Levels 1 & 2 prepare a Capoeirista for Levels 3 & 4. Levels 3 & 4 are focused on Capoeira attacks and counter attacks. These levels encapsulate the basic principles of Capoeira as a martial art.

The first two levels of practice are focused on attacks and escapes. However, a wise Capoeirista learns to analyze the mood of the game, anticipate attacks, and prepare more creative responses. Those more creative responses are covered in levels 3 & 4 and subsequent levels.

Course Benefits

There are many benefits to undertaking a course of instruction in Capoeira, including:

  1. Improved mental and physical wellbeing.
  2. Improved memory and critical thinking skills.
  3. Learning to speak Portuguese.
  4. Learning the history and culture of Afro-Brazilian people.

This list of benefits is not exhaustive. Furthermore, Capoeira provides different benefits to different people. For example, a former student from the Ukraine once said that Capoeira was her medicine because it helped her heal.

A playful game of Capoeira is always full of smiles and trickery!



Professor Zumbi
Capoeira Wellness

capoeira wellness practitioner and @capoeirastudio founder & principal teacher