Digitize Your Online Store Products in 3D for Free

Apply for the special offer today and get a free one-year Pro subscription to the Cappasity services!

Cappasity Blog
Nov 9, 2020


Businesses that showcase their products in 3D benefit from enhanced customer experience, improved engagement, higher sales, and fewer returns. Today you can get a free one-year Pro subscription for your online store (~$1200 value) and digitize your products in 3D by applying for the 3DShot & PrestaShop special offer.

To get the free Pro subscription and take advantage of interactive 3D content, take the following steps:

  • Download the free 3DShot app for iOS and use it to shoot 3D Views of your products, then upload them to your Cappasity account.
  • Submit the links to your Cappasity account and your PrestaShop store through the form on the 3DShot & Cappasity Special Offer website.
  • Enjoy the free Pro subscription for an entire year!

Now you can install the free Cappasity module for PrestaShop to automatically add 3D images to your product pages. Your customers will be able to interact with the product just like in a physical store: rotate it, zoom-in for a closer look, examine the details.

Start digitizing your products in 3D for free with the 3DShot & PrestaShop offer!

