Top 4 Tips for Digitizing Your Car in 3D with the 3DShot Mobile App

Get the secret ingredients for a perfect 3D View of any car

Cappasity Blog
2 min readAug 12, 2020


If you downloaded the 3DShot mobile app, followed our instructions, and the content you created looks great, then you’ve mastered the 3DShot mobile app. Congratulations!

But what if the 3D View you created looks too dark, or too bright, or even blurry? Maybe you don’t like the first frame? We’re here to help — with the top four tips for a perfect 3D View of any car.

Tip #1. Lighting is crucial

Don’t start recording with the angle of the sun hitting the camera — the resulting 3D View will end up with blown out highlights, lens flare, and colors that look overly saturated.

Tip #2. Use the frame as your guide

After you hold the device in front of you to start the recording, make sure that the entire car not only fits into the frame, but also has some extra frame space. If you don’t manage to circle the car evenly without breaking the trajectory, the extra room will compensate for the unevenness. Still, the correct trajectory is important and brings us to the next tip.

Tip #3. Mind your movement

Circle the car. Don’t follow a straight line. Move steadily around the car, not too fast but not too slowly — at a moderate pace.

Tip #4 Control the final look

Don’t forget to set the first frame — it will serve as a thumbnail for the 3D View. The app will show you the image that starts the rotation, so you will know how the loop will end.

Now you have all the tools to create a perfect 3D View of any car.

Download 3DShot today.

To hear more about the app, take part in exciting challenges, and become a part of the community, subscribe to the app’s official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

