Round Table Event (16–02)

Wouter Vlierman
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2017

On the 16th of February, The Round Table event from Transafe and Safety Changer took place. After a relaxing start with some coffee and tea, Marcel Kind had the honour of kicking off. He told about the appliance of Safety Changer in his company Transafe. One of the things he highlighted was how his boats are inspected and how happy his co-workers were with the digitalised checklists and the possibility to work offline.

Marcel kind (Transafe)

After the introduction of the use of Safety Changer at Transafe, the next person in line was Jonathan Stolk. Jonathan explained how Safety Changer as a product works within the PDCA-cycle (Plan Do Check Act) and how the platform integrates with the apps. He also elaborated how easy the integration with other platforms is fixed and how happy his customers are with it.

Jonathan Stolk (Safety Changer)

During the break, coffee and tea was served. Everyone was busy installing the Inspection Changer en Observation Changer apps. There were a lot of inspections done during the break and everyone tried out the apps.

After the break it was the turn of Henk Bunt. One of the positive effects he experiences is the time he saves because of Safety Changer. Because his employees don’t have to fill in parts of forms that are not applicable, they save a lot of time. That’s because of the What/If function of the platform. If one question has “non applicable” as an answer, the rest of that part of the form is automatically filled in.

Henk Bunt (Burando)

Frank Gruijters was next; he did a live demo of the platform. He did an inspection and then showed the results to the group. (Do you want to experience a online demo? Click here ;))

Frank Gruijters (Safety Changer)

The event was ended with an informal reception. After that, the Rotterdam Science Tower became quiet again.

Transafe and Safety Changer want to thank everyone who was at the event for coming and we hope everyone learned something

