The Changer Systematic Approach to Continued Learning

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3 min readSep 29, 2016

Safety Changer is the mobile first SaaS solution for realtime Quality, Health, Safety, Environment and Operations management. At the heart of our Software as a Service (SaaS) platform lies our Changer™ approach to continual organisational learning.

The Changer system is based upon managing both the state of the operations and the standards to which you intend keeping your operations on par.

State can refer to any object in the organisation, or to the organisation itself. In most organisations state can refer to three categories of objects: plant, process or people. An objects of the type ‘plant’ or ‘asset’, can be a vehicle, machine, facility, equipment, tools, or a real estate object. An object of the type process can be a primary process, such as a workplace, a flow of goods, a management process or a supportive process. An object of the type ‘people’ generally relates to an individual or a group of individuals, their beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.

Standards also have various forms. Standards can relate to safety, e.g. NEN Safety Ladder, OHSAS, EHS, or VCA, VCO and the related ISO. But also to quality (e.g. TQM, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 14001, ISO 13485), Operations (e.g. LEAN) and Security (ISO 27001)

When an organisation embraces their members as the literal and metaphorical eyes and ears of the operation, it engages them to record observations as input for a continued learning process.

Every incoming observation is a success, as it represents potential for improvement, whether in the field of safety, quality, facility or other operational aspects.

As such the state of the organisation is monitored and eventually upgraded through changes forthcoming from observations that have been recognized as input for Change and promoted into Learn Cases.

Whereas observations come in merely on ad hoc basis, maturing organisations will also add planned observation rounds, in the form of checklists, inspections, surveys and audits. The ChangerTM system collectively refers to those forms as inspections.

In inspections, the state of (an object in) the organisation is compared against a given standard.

Whether observations are generated ad hoc or through inspections, the organisation will assess the importance of each observation. If it is decided that no change is required, the organisation continues to operate in the current state. This is generally referred to as the ‘happy flow’.

In case the organisation decides to take an observation up as input for change, a Learn Case (also referred to as Case File) is created around the observation (or a set of related observations).

A Learn File is assigned to the domain owners for analysing and designing of improvement measures. For the actual implementation of the improvement, ‘Change’-actions are assigned to the peers that are supposed to do or make the change.

Changes can lead to changes in the state of an object in the organisation, whether ‘plant’, ‘process’ or ‘people’ related. Changes, of course, can also lead to changes in the standard.

To the Changer mechanism, the Safety Changer platform adds practical day-to-day and administrative software functions for use on smartphones, tablets and PCs. As such Safety Changer helps you to: Report state (to create & manage reports), Maintain standards (to manage inspection templates), Observe (to make and manage observations), Inspect (to plan, assign & perform inspections and manage forthcoming observations), Learn (to create and manage cases / learn files around observations), Change (to create and track actions aimed at changing state and/or standard).

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