SLRV Ribbons

Introducing a Bitcoin strategy which uses on-chain investor flows to outperform Bitcoin.

Charles Edwards
6 min readSep 16, 2022



In issue 23 of the Capriole Newsletter we introduced a new Bitcoin on-chain metric, SLRV Ribbons. This article dissects this strategy and shows the benefits of on-chain analysis for Bitcoin investing.

Based on backtests over the past 5 years, a simply long-or-cash portfolio using SLRV Ribbons would have generated 3X the returns of Bitcoin buy-and-hold and had 30% less drawdown.

What is SLRV?

David Puell’s SLRV Ratio shows the percentage of Bitcoin in existence that was last moved within 24 hours, divided by the percentage that was last moved between 6–12 months ago.

When the ratio is high, it suggests there is a lot of short-term transactional activity versus long-term holding. This can be indicative of relative hype/adoption in the near-term.

Conversely, when the ratio is low it suggests there is little short-term activity and interest in Bitcoin and/or a growing base of larger than normal longer-term holders. Historically, readings below of 0.04 have coincided with the accumulation zone of prior Bitcoin bear markets.

The SLRV Ratio. Higher readings indicate more short-term speculation, lower readings have historically identified good buy zones. Source: Glassnode

Introducing SLRV Ribbons

As a strategy, SLRV Ribbons is about as simple as it gets. SLRV Ribbons is the application of two 30- and 150-day moving averages (DMA) to the SLRV Ratio.

When the SLRV Ribbons has a bullish crossover (the 30DMA of SLRV Ratio > 150DMA of SLRV Ratio), it suggests we are exiting a period dominated by long-term holder activity, and are starting to see increased grassroots adoption.

Periods where Bitcoin’s long-term holders are relatively more active than short-term holders, have been associated with accumulation zones in the past. At the later stages of these accumulation zones, we start to see increasing short-term holder activity which often signals the beginnings of a new adoption cycle, as growing short-term holder activity is also associated with the creation of new Bitcoin wallets.

SLRV Ribbons help to solve the issue of changing relative value in metrics over time. While SLRV Ratios less than 0.04 have been great Bitcoin accumulation zones in the past, that may not necessarily be the case into the future as changing macroeconomic landscapes can shift value zones and render static historic levels redundant.

SLRV Ribbons allows for dynamic changes in fundamental value over time. It is possible that we see deeper discounts, or conversely shallower bottoms, in fundamental readings in the future. For this reason, the use of ribbons should provide a more robust way of identifying entry points on the SLRV Ratio in a changing, complex macroeconomic environment.

SLRV Ribbons help to identify valuable buy zones for Bitcoin. Source: Capriole Investments / Glassnode

SLRV Ribbons can be tracked live on Glassnode here.


A simple strategy is to long Bitcoin at the SLRV Ribbon bullish crossover (30DMA > 150DMA), and go to cash at the bearish crossover (30DMA < 150DMA). We modelled this SLRV Ribbon strategy over the last 5 years ending 15 September 2022 and assumed a conservative combined slippage and trading fee figure of 0.5% per trade.

The 5-year backtest of SLRV Ribbons outperforms Bitcoin buy-and-hold with about 3X the cumulative returns, generating 1560% versus Bitcoin’s 440%. SLRV Ribbons also had about 30% less downdraw, with maximum downdraw of -59% versus Bitcoin -83%.

SLRV Ribbons long-or-cash Strategy outperforms the Bitcoin buy-and-hold Benchmark in the 5-year backtest. Source: Capriole Investments
Key performance metrics SLRV Ribbons Strategy vs Bitcoin buy-and-hold Benchmark in the 5-year backtest


This is a very simple, single metric on-chain strategy. As with all trading strategies there is no silver bullet. SLRV Ribbons won’t time perfect tops and bottoms. It will leave money on the table.

This article is not intended to provide a comprehensive trading and investment solution, but rather show that there is great value in using on-chain analytics in investing.

The world of on-chain analytics has advanced significantly over recent years, and a comprehensive approach should consider more than just one metric and use more advanced methods than outlined here. One example of a comprehensive on-chain strategy is our Bitcoin Macro Index.


A simple long-or-cash SLRV Ribbon strategy outperforms Bitcoin Buy-and-hold, with significantly improved risk-reward ratios.

SLRV Ribbons shows the ability of on-chain investment strategies to outperform Bitcoin.

Pure fundamentals-only approaches can work very well in crypto.

Every month, Capriole Investments writes a newsletter to 1000s of professional Bitcoin and digital asset investors globally collating the most important headlines, and dissecting the technical and fundamental picture for Bitcoin and the market. Read past issues and sign-up here to get our newsletter delivered direct to your inbox each month:

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Charles Edwards

Digital asset management | Quantitative autonomous algo-trading. Follow me on Twitter: @caprioleio