There is more to than just CS majors in grad school for CS Undergrads

Think beyond CS MS/PhD when applying to grad school in the US

Rahul Bhadani
Caps and Gowns


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Computer Science (CS) is growing at a tremendous pace and is attracting countless undergraduates to pursue higher education in it. While a graduate degree in Computer Science seems like an obvious choice for CS undergraduates, we should be noting that there are plenty of other engineering disciplines worth exploring where the skills of CS students will be more appreciated.

In recent years, computer science majors in US institutions have seen tremendous growth as reported by various US institutions from internationally recognized institutions such as Vanderbilt University to regional institutions such as Tennessee State University. Anecdotally, Tennessee State University is going to double its CS undergraduates in 2023 compared to the previous years. Similarly, California State Universities are also seeing a 50%-80%

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Rahul Bhadani
Caps and Gowns

Asst. Professor, @UAH | @uarizona PhD, ECE | Intelligent Transportation & Quantum Science Researcher | Donation: