Don’t just build a company — make memories

Luka Perić
2 min readDec 11, 2015


It’s been over a month since we got back from our annual team building event and the feelings are still strong. Why is that? Well, probably because we did our best for everyone to have a kick-ass time.

To get a glimpse of the fun we had, check out this great video:

In general, the idea of team building is that people from your company come together, hang out and bond with each other outside of work. It’s necessary because sometimes people don’t have enough time to hang out and talk about non-work related stuff.

For example, a new hire didn’t know that we have an office kitchen for a week! Also, when your company grows like we did, it’s hard for everyone to connect to everyone else.

The goal of this little get-together was to balance various activities that are going to be equally interesting to everyone, and on top of that provide enough food for ferociously hungry engineers and designers. Trust me, you don’t want those guys to be hungry.

Having fun

This year we drove quads bikes through the Istrian wilderness, climbed trees in the adrenaline park and went on a boat ride along the Lim channel the last day.

Now when there’s 80 of us, organising a team building event that involves everyone is getting more and more challenging every year. So kudos to Helena, Tanja and Goran for putting it all together flawlessly this year.

Every evening was filled with a private club and allowed us to maintain the traditional initiation ceremony for new team members. Check out how we managed to stay alive in this photo gallery.

Everybody, wave to the camera for the blog post!

Making memories

This is the 5th time we’ve been doing it and we’ve had our fair share of stories: falling down waterfalls, crowd surfing, drinking Rakia out of weird items, accordion players, 25 guys in one jacuzzi and much more.

Building a successful company is all well and good, but what’s life if you don’t have fun and enjoy it with people you like spending time with?

The events, mishaps and fun you’ll have at these events will stay with you for years to come. Yes, you need to invest time and money, but the reward will be tons of fun moments, memories and scream of happiness that will stay with you forever.

Check out the full gallery on our Facebook page

Originally published on The Capsized Eight

