Best Practices: Gramercy Allergy & Asthma

Danielle Schostak
Hello, Dear - the Capsule Blog
6 min readJun 26, 2019

Founder Dr. Jennifer Collins on creating a comfortable atmosphere for patients with allergies.

Board certified in allergy and immunology, Dr. Jennifer Collins started Gramercy Allergy & Asthma in 2013 with the goal of supporting other doctors and patients in need of any type of allergy care — from seasonal allergies to dermatitis to immune issues. Read on to learn about Dr. Collins’ blog, Itchy and Scratchy, and to get some quick allergy tips to get you through the rest of this season!

Why did you start your own practice?

In 2013, I opened Gramercy Allergy and Asthma with the intention of creating a space that brought academic rigor to a private practice setting. I sought to create an office that removed barriers to allergy care with flexible office hours, quick appointment times, and a comfortable place to practice and receive care. I love treating and helping patients and owning my own business has helped me do this in a space that’s comfortable and caring. We want to offer all forms of allergy, asthma, and immunology care in one place. We feel honored that many of our patients are referred from other specialists for skin allergy, drug allergy, chronic sinusitis care, and specialty asthma care.

Our team is guided on the principle that what’s best for our patients is best for our practice. As I started to grow my practice, all the choices I made come back to that mission. Last year, Dr. Meng Chen joined the growing practice. Coming from the west coast, she adds a different perspective and client base, which complements my practice well.

What is the best part about running your own business?

There are many things wonderful about running my own business. Being a small business owner is challenging and takes a lot of work and dedication. I am constantly trying to balance business decisions with excellent patient care and making sure the needs of my office are being met from a strategic and logistical perspective.

It’s my practice, so if there’s a problem, it’s a problem that I have the power to fix and that is really rewarding. I also have the flexibility to create what I want my life to be. In particular, as a female in medicine, I have ownership over my personal and professional life.

Being a working mom is tough, but I love that I have the ability to bring my children to work if needed and make my space friendly — that is a privilege that I don’t know if I would have if I was working for someone else. This all sounds tough, but these are the things I love about being a small business owner!

Also, as a small business owner, I get to do great things for my employees that are fun and rewarding for them. I want them to know that I appreciate all that they do and know when they’re doing a great job.

Your office is beautiful! What was the inspiration behind the design?

Thank you! I wanted people to feel relaxed in the space. A good friend and interior designer, Eric Dare, helped me choose the color scheme for the walls. The rest of the choices were mine. I wanted the office to feel peaceful and to make those waiting feel comfortable. Many of the photographs are from vacations from around the world. I love being surrounded by memories of joyful trips!

Why did you decide to start your own blog?

I started the Itchy and Scratchy blog right when I graduated from my fellowship in 2009. I wanted to create a space where patients could find conversational and fun answers to common questions about allergies. I write on a variety of topics, mostly inspired by questions that I get day-to-day. One of the things I noticed is that with allergies, a lot of people feel like they’re the only one experiencing certain symptoms, so in writing these posts, it’s been amazing to see people’s engagement! They can’t believe that someone else had the exact same experience as them. There is also a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to allergy. My blog is one way that I am able to help my patients navigate through all the information out there.

What are some of the most common questions your patients ask you?

So many people want to know why raw fruit makes their mouths itch. They think they’re allergic to pesticides or to something that was sprayed on the fruit as it was being processed, yet they are surprised to find that their allergy is actually to tree pollen. There’s a cross-reactivity between their seasonal allergies and their fruit allergies, which causes these symptoms.

Patients often complain of a reduced sense of smell and taste due to their allergies. In children, reduced hearing is a common symptom because all of the congestion in their nose backs up into their ears. Their facial structures are smaller than adults so allergies can really affect their hearing. Recently, I had a child who was having recurring ear-infections and ended up losing his hearing because of his allergies. He was going to need surgery. We started him on treatment and his hearing came back — it was amazing! It reminded me why I love treating allergies. It can be really life-changing for people. It’s especially powerful when someone has lost one of their senses like hearing, smell, or taste. It can really take away the joy of life for some people.

Any tips for the end of this allergy season?

It’s been a brutal allergy season, pollen levels have been really high and persistent. The little things can really make a difference so it’s important to be conscious of the time you spend outside. If you’re going out to the park for a long period of time, it’s best to take medication before you leave versus when you start feeling symptoms. Also, using a nasal saline rinse to wash the pollen out of your nose is helpful. It’s also crucial to change your clothes and rinse off when you come back inside to ensure the pollen doesn’t get all over your house or in your bed.

Vital Signs

Favorite lunch spot around the office? Namu Deli on 3rd Ave. They always remember me when I come in, it’s refreshing!

What are the most impactful articles you’ve published to your blog? I’ve written a few on contact dermatitis, like Why Do I have Itchy Watery Blisters on My Hands and Feet and What is Paraben Allergy. Also, Why do Apples and Other Fruits Make My Mouth Itch? has had a big impact since it’s a question I receive often from patients.

Favorite NYC summer activity? We love taking our dog to Central Park in the summer, since he’s allowed to be off-leash before 9 AM, and watch him run around in the flowers. We also love going to Governors Island.

Learn more about Gramercy Allergy & Asthma here!

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