Dear Doctor: Jodi Logerfo

Steph Goldberg
Hello, Dear - the Capsule Blog
6 min readNov 20, 2017

The nurse practitioner and expert on all things skincare

It’s easy to see why patients connect easily to Jodi Logerfo, nurse practitioner at Orentreich Medical Group, a dermatology practice on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Chatting with Jodi felt like catching up with an old friend; she is incredibly warm, relatable, and highly knowledgable about all things skincare, owing to her training in both pharmacy and nursing. Jodi is also a budding entrepreneur, using her background and expertise to launch an organic and natural skincare company. She truly does it all!

Originally, I was going to be a teacher, but I had always loved medicine and was intrigued by disease, so I decided to go to pharmacy school. I did an internship in pharmacy and I loved the work, but I couldn’t help but notice that many of the pharmacists were spending as much time on the phone with insurance companies as they were counseling patients. I had to evaluate if that was for me.

I liked the idea of nursing but I wasn’t sure if that was what I wanted to do, so I decided to volunteer and see for myself. I fell in love with the excitement of the ER, with everyone running around, and that was it! I applied to nursing school.

I started out working out in a hospital in Brooklyn, then applied to jobs on Long Island in dermatology. I interviewed here at Orentreich, and got the job on the spot. It’s been 20 years now and I have loved every minute of it.

It really feels like a family here. We have staff who have been here for 30 to 35 years. It’s kind of like I grew up here. I have been so supported and well trained and I feel just as qualified and capable as any MD.

On Communication and Trust

Many people think of dermatology of “just skin”, but the truth is, there’s always something beyond the exterior, whether immunological, infection, or something else. What we can see on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg. I like being a detective and digging deeper.

During a patient’s first visit, it’s important for me to establish trust. I always take the time to talk. That doesn’t end after the visit. If we get biopsy results back, I always make sure I am the one who calls. All of that really matters and it helps to build trust.

I always sit down and talk to my patients. Literally, in a chair across from them. It’s important to be on the same level. It conveys understanding. As a nurse first and foremost, there’s a different level of caring. My priority is the patient. I want to uncover the diagnosis, but I always look at what else is going on psychologically and socially. I call this the “peeling the onion” approach.

I have one patient I’ve been seeing from two years old through college. You become like family. These relationships over the years are significant.

Your skin is like your armor. We’re all concerned about the way we look to some degree, so there are mental and psychological issues that may come along with dermatological conditions. For example, for women experiencing hair loss, the physical symptoms are obvious, but I look at how this affects their mental and emotional state. Do they feel embarrassed or that this affects their femininity? And how can I help provide support?

Technology has its place. It’s the way of the world. But at the same time, as a prescriber and diagnostician, I’m still a pen and paper kind of girl. I like to hand write the person’s story. We use a scanning software so we can still handwrite and scan in notes.

On All Things Skincare

I started a soap company called Soap 101. I try to keep my products to fewer than 15 ingredients. After all, more stuff means more potential for allergies. My philosophy is to keep it simple. More combinations of products means more chances to get irritated. Cleansing is the most basic thing so I started with that and focused on organic and natural ingredients. It has helped; I started using the products myself and seeing results.

My personal skincare routine is soap, toner, and tinted sunblock daily. I usually don’t wear makeup. Wearing sunblock everyday is the biggest defense you can do for your skin. I like Clinique City Block as a daily wear as well as the Anthelios line by La Roche Posay. For people with sensitive skin, I recommend Neutrogena Baby products which are very gentle.

For patients of mine who love the sun and don’t want to wear sun protection, I ask them, you wouldn’t knowingly expose yourself to radiation, would you? It’s blunt, but I think it gets the point across! For patients coming in for cosmetic treatments, I also tell them that it’s about protecting their investment.

I work as a consultant for Clinique in product development. Dr. Orentreich, who founded the practice, created the line for Estee Lauder and our office still works closely with the brand today. The original Vogue article about the brand’s launch in 1967 hangs in our office. The headline was “Can Good Skin Be Created?” We still have that philosophy as we develop our own innovative products in-house that combine multiple ingredients for maximum efficacy.

Almost always, new products are created based on patient needs and feedback. And while new launches can be years in the making, we have the ability to sample and iterate with our patients in the short term.

I think my experience in pharmacy provides me with a unique approach as a nurse. I always try and prescribe smart, prescribe diligently, and follow up on treatments.

On a personal level, I have always been really concerned about skin. Now, as I’ve made it my career and am getting my doctorate, it’s become a passion!

Lightning Round

I love what I do because…I genuinely enjoy taking care of patients and care about their well-being. It gives me a lot of fulfillment being able to help people.

I could talk for hours about…skincare and beauty

I wish my patients would spend more time…applying sunscreen

I wish my patients would spend less time…picking at their skin (scars are not worth it!)

If I weren’t a nurse I might…work for a skincare or beauty company. I also really love music, so I might explore that industry.

New Yorkers are unique because…they’re tough, but when it comes time to pull together, they do. Being a New Yorker has made me stronger.


NYC neighborhood: Rockaway Beach, where I live. It’s so peaceful. It’s the best of both worlds for me to be able to work in Manhattan but to live by the ocean. My neighborhood is four blocks wide, and everybody knows everybody.

App: I’m on Facebook and Instagram all the time.

Relax Ritual: Chilling at home and watching movies in my PJs.

Vacation spot: Lake Champlain, where my family has a place. It’s relaxing and chill with a great opportunity to be around nature and actually see the stars at night. I also love Turks and Caicos and recently went to Palm Beach.

Music: I listen to everything on my commute. Rock, rap, everything!

You can find Jodi at Orentreich Medical Group.

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Steph Goldberg
Hello, Dear - the Capsule Blog

Growth @capsulecares, the pharmacy that fell in love with you. Meeting and writing about the coolest female doctors in NYC.