Dear Doctor: Our Love Note to Women in Medicine

Sonia Patel
Hello, Dear - the Capsule Blog
3 min readMay 8, 2017

Introducing our new series!

Hi! I’m Sonia, Chief Pharmacist at Capsule. We’re a new kind of pharmacy — a better, faster, kinder, smarter one.

We launched Capsule in New York City in May 2016 with the goal of reconnecting medication to the healthcare system. Over the past year, our team has made thousands of calls to insurance companies to save our customers time. We’ve found and applied coupons that add up to millions of dollars in medication cost savings. And with free same-day delivery, we’re eliminating the frustration of waiting in long lines at the local pharmacy for medication that might be out of stock. We do this because we believe everybody needs some looking after sometimes, and we’re proud to have built an amazing team of people who love looking after people.

I’m constantly inspired by the amazing network of doctors who trust Capsule to deliver their patients’ medications. As a woman in the healthcare industry and a female co-founder, I have so much respect for the next generation of female doctors who are taking patient care, technology, and love into the future. And I think we can all agree, women make some pretty incredible doctors.

Our team talks to healthcare professionals daily. After all, a big part of what we’re doing here at Capsule is making life easier for doctors, physician’s assistants, and their staffs by streamlining communications, coordinating with insurance companies on behalf of customers, and by sharing feedback & data that helps doctors make more informed prescribing decisions.

There are thousands of female doctors in New York City, yet there are few places for them to easily come together. We want to fix that by building a community where women in medicine can connect professionally and personally. Because doctors should feel empowered to refer patients with confidence to women they trust and have thought partners to discuss the latest treatments and therapies.

As patients, we trust these women with some of our most intimate personal details, yet often ending up walking into a doctor’s appointment for the first time knowing very little about who we’re meeting. We want to provide more context and pave the way for trust and relationships on a more personal level. So even though you may not share your doctor’s passion for the latest biochemistry developments, you might just learn that you both not-so-secretly love a good reality TV binge.

We’re lucky enough to meet and talk with amazing women in medicine every day. And we can’t wait to share some of their stories with you.

Keep an eye out for new features every Monday and Thursday, starting today.

Know someone awesome we should feature? We’d love to be introduced, Dear. Write us at

Love you,

New Yorkers, ready to break up with your old pharmacy? Check us out at

