Monthly Review | August 2022

Capsule Team
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2022

August has come to an end — which means the Capsule team has highlights and updates to share with our community. Keep reading for this month’s review!

The CapsuleNFT Roadmap

Our team released the CapsuleNFT Roadmap this past month — revealing to our community what to expect in the near future. We have been working hard to bring innovative integrations, projects, and launches to our users!

To learn more about our roadmap, read our announcement on Medium.

We are excited to share what we have been working on — so follow us on Twitter and join us on our Discord to stay updated!

Featured Project: Dollar Store Kids

We are happy to announce the first project built upon the Capsule Protocol: Dollar Store Kids. By using the Protocol, Dollar Store Kids is the first NFT collection to have a designed floor price for each token.

Dollar Store Kids is the first dollar-backed composable NFT collection — where each Dollar Store Kid is backed by 1 USDC, redeemable at any time by its holder. When a holder redeems their Dollar Store Kid, they will receive a dollar in return and the total supply of the collection will drop by one.

Starting September 1, 2022 at 5:00 PM EST, you can visit to mint your own Dollar Store Kid!

For more information on Dollar Store Kids, visit their website, follow them on Twitter, or join their community on Discord.

To be featured on our social media, let us know how you have utilized the Capsule Protocol in your project. Tag us on Twitter or message us on Discord!

Dev Updates

Our team is always making improvements for our community. Here are our latest updates:

Website Improvements

  • Prepare the website for v1.1.0 with ERC-1155 support

Smart Contract Improvements

  • Finish our secret project
  • Iterate on ERC-1155 Capsules, NFT Royalties, and secret project audit fixes
  • Continue building Iron Capsules

As always, the best place to get updates and join discussions is on our social media! There is much to look forward to in the coming months — so stay tuned for announcements.

Follow us on social media for more updates:

Twitter | Discord | Youtube | Instagram | LinkedIn

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Capsule Team

Stay updated with the Capsule team at CapsuleNFT! Check us out on and