Monthly Review | December 2022

Capsule Team
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2022

With December (and 2022!) coming to an end, the Capsule team has been working hard in preparation for 2023. Read on for our [early] December recap and stay tuned for our Yearly Review at the end of the month!

Iron Capsules are [Almost] Here

Iron Capsules are special NFTs that function as programmable on-chain ‘NFT Wallets’, able to add or remove assets within at any time. Our team has reached a major milestone — Iron Capsules have been deployed on Goerli Testnet! The technology behind Iron Capsules introduces a new range of use cases to web3 such as programmable token funds, shareable assets, and much more.

Stay tuned to our announcements page for more information about Iron Capsules.

Community Spotlight: Squares and Triangles

Earlier this month, @AthensBrightest — our long-time community member — released an AI generated NFT collection, Squares and Triangles. The collection’s total supply of 333 instantly minted out upon release.

In partnership with CapsuleNFT, 10 Squares and Triangles NFTs were given away to D$K and Capsule community members within Capsule Loot Boxes. Congratulations to the winners, @0XFrank_, @alessandro_xy, and @Stankov25!

Support our community member, @AthensBrightest, by checking out Squares and Triangles on any marketplace!

Officially Listed on Alchemy

CapsuleNFT was officially listed on Alchemy, a Web3 Developer platform! As a Web3 Creator tool, we are excited to be featured on the Alchemy Dapp Store and to offer resources to Web3 users.

Dev Updates

Our team is always making improvements for our community. Here are our latest updates:

Website Improvements:

  • Finalize staging version for new Capsule 1.0 website
  • New graphics and home page

Smart Contract Improvements:

  • Deploy Iron Capsules v0.1 on Goerli testnet
  • Prepare deployment for newer Capsule Collection on testnet
  • Continue working on other Capsule project integrations

As always, the best place to get updates and join discussions is on our social media! There is much to look forward to in the coming months — so stay tuned for announcements.

Follow us on social media for more updates:

Twitter | Discord | Youtube | Instagram | LinkedIn

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Capsule Team

Stay updated with the Capsule team at CapsuleNFT! Check us out on and