Monthly Review | November 2022

Capsule Team
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2022

With the end of the year approaching, the Capsule team has been working hard behind-the-scenes to deliver new content and products. We are excited to share our plans — but first, here are our November updates!

D$K King of the Heap

Last month, Dollar Store Kids introduced King of the Heap — a monthly rumble-style giveaway. This month, the champion will receive 333 USDC by participating in the event on the D$K Discord. For more details on when and how to participate, join D$K on Twitter and Discord.

Under 3,000 Dollar Store Kids in Circulation

Over 350 of the 3,333 Dollar Store Kids have been burned since the mint in September — that’s 10% of the total supply!!

D$K Burn Incentive

If you have burned your Dollar Store Kid before November 30, 2022, we will refund you [in ETH] for the gas cost(s) of your redemption. Create a ticket, with your wallet address, on the D$K Discord and we will make it happen!

CEO’s Thoughts on D$K’s Delisting

Did you catch our CEO discussing D$K’s OpenSea delisting with the Bloq and Atmos teams? If not, check out the clip below!

Dev Updates

Our team is always making improvements for our community. Here are our latest updates:

Website Improvements

  • Begin development of our new Capsule 1.0 website
  • Generate assets for the new site and socials

Smart Contract Improvements

  • Finalize one upcoming Capsule Collection on testnet
  • Continue building functionality for Iron Capsules
  • Continue working on other Capsule project integrations

As always, the best place to get updates and join discussions is on our social media! There is much to look forward to in the coming months — so stay tuned for announcements.

Follow us on social media for more updates:

Twitter | Discord | Youtube | Instagram | LinkedIn

Cap on.



Capsule Team

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