Captain Bitcoin — Incident Report: 28 August 2020

The Captain
Captain Bitcoin
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2020

Dear Captain Bitcoiners,

Over the last week (starting 21st August 2020), Captain Bitcoin has been experiencing severe DDOS attacks on a regular basis, which coincided with us activating the withdraw function and listing our token.

Interestingly, the attacks started shortly after we announced publicly that we will be listing our token soon.

Before we dive deeper into what the team has been doing to actively manage this situation, we would like to present to you the severity of the situation.

Please note the below chart of requests made to our website during a 24-hour window earlier this week.

That is 9.2 million requests in a 24-hour window and more than 37 GB of data was served at the same time.

Over the last week, we served more than 375 GB of data.

Our team has consistently tried to make efforts to tackle this situation, but every effort made by the team was hit with a stronger attack.

Analytics show 99% of these attacks are coming directly from China, a country where we have been growing and expanding at a rapid rate but, in turn, making our website unusable.

Often the intention of such attacks is simply to cause disruption of services and it is impossible to tell who is behind these.

We will continue to work hard and get our products operating at full capacity.

NOTE — if you are one of our users from China, you may have difficulties passing reCAPTCHA we have implemented. Please try using VPN.

One of the other issues I wanted to address was the issue regarding a single user earning more than 37 million tokens on the 27th August 2020. Snapshot below from the leaderboard -

Due to the rate of attacks on our server, there appears to be some miscalculation that happened which the team is further investigating to ensure this does not happen again, but the user ‘Bitcoin’ is our system user, which by default gets allocated tokens for the day in case such events happen. This means the system’s fail-safes functioned properly in light of the attack.

These tokens will be burned.

PLEASE NOTE — Rewards for all users for the 26th August will be burned and no one will receive them.

We understand thousands of you tried to watch videos and many of you did watch the videos, but there is no way for us to effectively allocate tokens for that day to our users due to the severe disruption of services.

We understand this is not ideal, but we hope you can understand the team is working as hard and as fast as possible to resolve these issues.

Finally, please remember, we are a startup in BETA and are less than 100 days old. We are also a small team working our hardest to deliver the best platform to our users.

We want to thank the community for their continued support and for standing with us during these difficult times and for understanding the severity of the situation.

We believe we have now put measures in place to prevent disruption of the platform, and will continue to closely monitor for unusual activities and report on any important development.

We are back live and continuing to resolving some teething issues.

No user funds have been stolen.


Will write a detailed report on this later.


The Captain Bitcoin Team.

