Tracking Google Slides with Google Analytics and Google Sites

Guillaume Odier
Captain Data
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2018

Hell yeah, analytics for Google Slides setup in 30 seconds!

As I was doing my last corporate sales presentation, I thought

“How the hell could I know who reads my presentation? How does it impacts the reader? How do they share it? What do they do?” .

I mean, having this kind of data is just essential. You could buy expensive tracking softwares or do it yourself … or you could just combine Google apps.

What you need

Obviously, a Google account :

  • GSuite would be great
  • Google Analytics

And that’s all. Yep.

Set up Google Site

Soooo, I’m an engineer, I love doing everything by myself. But I definitely have no time to do it. Instead of creating a static web site, juste head over

  1. Login with your account. So far so good.

2. Create a new Google Site. I recommend you put in the bare minimum : your logo on top and that’s it, you leave it blank. OK, Maybe a specific tagline for your target, but that’s all, you just want them to check out your Slides.

3. Insert your Google Slides, you can enlarge it to its maximum to get rid of the black color on the sides.

By now, you should have something that looks like this :

Nothing fancy but that’s the point : they’re here to check out your Slides.

Set up Google Analytics

Head over to and add a new property :

Make it point to the url of the Google Sites. Something like

Finish setting up tracking

Come back to your Google Sites. On the right sidebar you get <Embed>, click on it :

Copy-paste the tracking code Google Analytics gave you.

This should add a blank section. It appears you can’t modify it or delete it. It doesn’t bother me, it adds a bit of padding :)

And BOOM. That’s. All.

It took me 30 seconds the first time! Now you got the full power of Google Analytics : you can track demographics, heat maps and so on.

Marketing Basics


When ever you share it, make sure to build and track UTM with It’s a bit painful at first, but so useful when you really want to get a clean track record!

Convinced ? You can 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 as many as 50 times!

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Guillaume Odier
Captain Data

Co-Founder @Captain Data | Tech lover & entrepreneur