5 Mistakes Not To Make During Lockdown

Captain of Destiny
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2020

What you should avoid doing during quarantine

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash


Panic-buying was big when the coronavirus first hit and fear for the future was at its height. So much so that some supermarkets have seen their sales revenue skyrocket due to “stockpiling groceries”.

Panic-buying puts a heavy strain on suppliers, as they have had to accelerate the process of getting supplies onto shelves.

Tesco’s sales shot up 30% in March, as customers hoarded toilet paper, pasta and orange juice. But now that the curve’s flattening, the demand isn’t as great. Export from abroad was limited, which means less availability and higher prices for when things return to normal.

Don’t be like this man who bought $10k worth of toilet paper and hand sanitizer and now is stuck with way too much.

Join protests

Anti-lockdown protests span the globe, and what’s incredible is that global leaders like America’s Trump and Brazil’s Bolsonaro encourage the large gatherings — not to mention Bolsonaro’s outrageous comments on the damage coronavirus has done.

To get an idea of the protest, take a look at this video. The ones across the U.S. are truly embarrassing and only fly in the face of health workers who are risking their lives to stem this pandemic.

Selfish and misguided, protests do little more than fan the flames social unrest at a time when everyone needs to come together.


Not that traveling is possible, some are nevertheless determined to have a vacation. Over 60,000 of these folks are headed to Okinawa, despite the Governor’s pleas for cancellation.

Safety measures are in place at airports, but that hasn’t stopped numbers from rising due to excessive human contact. Once you board the plane, risk remains serious.

As a rule of thumb, staying in your area is advised. Non-essential travel has been deemed unnecessary and unwise.

This is an updated, comprehensive list of countries and the conditions attached to their travel restrictions.

Get complacent

Immunity isn’t guaranteed, no matter how young, healthy and isolated you are. Though older people, and those with underlying health complications, are more at risk, young people are too.

A certain genetic predisposition may be the reason for young people contracting Covid-19. It could simply be that young people haven’t been as conscientious about social distancing and practicing good hygiene.

Good hygiene translates to not touching your face, washing your hands for 20 or more seconds, and sneezing and coughing away from your hands.

Laze away

Forced to stay home, being idle is soon second nature. But fight the urge to do nothing and get moving with a workout similar to this one.

Because gyms are closed and public facilities such as parks may not be free for use, it’s essential to get resourceful and outline an at-home fitness regimen. Simple steps can yield great results — but all with consistency.

Even with limited space, a lot is still possible. All variations of push-ups and ab circuits can be executed right where you are, and with zero equipment no less.

If you’re striving to maintain your health but aren’t a gym rat, try for nutritious recipes. Gut health is far more important than given credit for.

