What Made Me a Better Person

Pranjali Desai
Captain of Destiny
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2020

I was born in a farmer family and also lived on the farm till I turned 12 years old. The life in the farm was very minimalistic, we always had fresh grown veggies and fruits. We had around 20 cows and were blessed with dairy products too. Living on farms I never had any friends. I used to play with the sheep, goats, dogs, hen, and my favorite cat.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

All these animals where my friends and I used to spend the whole day running behind them. They loved me more than anyone else. I went to a local school where I hardly had friends, they always bullied me, so I always kept at a distance from them.

My life changed when I was 12 years old, my mom decided to leave the farms to settle in the city, so my brother and I could have a better education. That was not the only purpose, which she told everyone, but the main reason was also that she didn’t want to stay with my grandparent. Me and my brother were admitted to the most popular school in the city. Me being the introvert, I couldn’t take it. I never had human friends, I was missing my friends and I was asked to make new friends, and leave for the rest of my life. It was the worst feeling I ever had.

I missed farms, but later on, I started mixing up with new friends, I started hanging out with them. I started enjoying my life in the city, I was very excited to see the malls and movie theater. All these materialistic things started attracting me. I started comparing my life with others, and I wanted all those things which my friends had.

I turned into a selfish and mean person, I started disrespecting all other people who couldn’t afford the lifestyle I was living. Though I got all the materialistic I was still greedy of wanting to have more.

One day I went to the farm to visit my grandparent. When I entered my house, my dog came running to me and gave me a hug, he was missing me. I also hugged him back, I met all the animals which I had left behind, I was shocked they still loved me the same as before. I was very overwhelmed by this. The unconditional love they showed to me was so real.

After this incident I was a totally different person. I never ran again to the materialistic things and I always look how can I spread love everywhere. People love to hang out with me more because I give them positive vibes because I made myself much more important than materials. Spread love speeds happiness. Whatever you give, it comes back to you. Keep smiling, love you all.

