
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2019

無論應用了多創新的技術,透過繪製 Lean Canvas 驗證自己的想法合適與否,個人認為獲取首批用戶最難,應當在創業初期先思考清楚.

GrowthHackers 網站提供不少案例分享,仔細閱讀幾個有名的公司案例,摘錄部份重點與大家分享,激盪一下獲取首批用戶的想法.


Though the startup worked hard to distinguish themselves from the more impersonal, scam-filled super platform, Craigslist had one thing that Airbnb did not — a massive user base. Airbnb knew through both market research and their own experience that Craigslist was the place where people who wanted something other than the standard hotel experience looked for listings — in other words, Airbnb’s target market. In order to tap into this market, Airbnb offered users who listed properties on Airbnb the opportunity to post them to Craigslist as well

協助用戶將刊登於 Airbnb 的資訊可以同步刊登於 Craigslist 廣告平台,文中並沒有明顯看出首批用戶的獲取方式,反倒比較像是病毒行銷(Viral Marketing)


In many markets, disrupting the pricing model allows new entrants to shrink the existing market made up of legacy players who charge a premium for a similar service. Before Spotify, there was little other choice than pay-per-track, or CD, or pirate music. But with Spotify’s freemium version, people who only pirated out of ease or economic necessity now have another way to get music legally. Spotify’s big bet then is that it can increase the market of new listeners (or return those lost to piracy) through a freemium pricing model.

藉由破壞市場價格機制的方式吸引潛在用戶,根據統計 Spotify 50M 用戶中就有 37.5M 用戶使用有廣告的免費版.


As with any marketplace, liquidity is the key to success. Liquidity is the availability of buyers and sellers to participate in transactions. In a monetary marketplace there has to be enough supply for buyers and enough demand for sellers to participate. Without both sides of the market, there is no marketplace. This is often described as the chicken and egg problem–how do you get one side without the other?

In the world of Tinder, there are no true buyers and sellers, but in many dating and similar ecosystems the “supply” of women on a platform is what triggers the participation of men. It’s the same principle behind “Ladies’ Night” promotions at your local bars. Seed the marketplace with supply and buyers come to participate. This works in reverse of course, but is typically done in this fashion. Tinder knew this and supply-hacked the dating app with women first, focusing on sorority girls as the early adopters. As more women joined the platform, men were eager to download it and see who was available nearby for dates.

Tinder 首先鎖定女性社團作為首批用戶,自然可以吸引男性用戶使用該平台.


So how did Uber reach those early adopters? One distinct channel was event sponsorship. Uber was highly active at local-area tech and venture capital events and provided free rides to attendees. Uber knew that these attendees were well connected and highly likely to share their experiences with friends, tech press, and social media audiences after trying Uber.

Uber 針對科技用戶提供免費服務,因為他們認為科技人對於透過新工具或新服務改善生活品質的接受度較高.

