Electricity and Cars

Saad Azim
Car or NO Car?


Diving deeper into the discussion we touched in the last post, I have come to believe there is still much potential in electric cars and their advancements. The concept of electric cars has grown over time and is still growing day by day as companies keep working on such vehicles. Therefore, at the moment it is hard to decide whether or not the concept of electric cars has failed or survived successfully in the market. Lewis, in his article states, “electric cars will continue to collect a greater market share as manufacturing costs decrease and their environmental advantages become more obvious.” This statement of Michael Lewis indicates that the electric cars definitely outrun the conventional gasoline powered cars when it comes to environmental advantages, however all that it is lacking is more viability.

The Money Matter

A sustainable solution to transport is not only required for the benefit of environment, but is also necessary to benefit each of ours pocket. Cars, today cost a great deal of money even if we realize it or not. The gas, oil change, filter change and many more such costs just tend to drain your wealth, although they are crucial for the car itself to function properly. Once again coming towards the concept of electric cars, it is to be noted that if not anything else, they still do save us money when it comes to fuel. Another fact Lewis outlines in his article is that, “Electric and hybrid vehicles are increasingly common, with a fuel economy approximately 33% greater than a gasoline-powered engine.”

Putting these facts and arguments into line, we do get an even better sense of why a different and “organic” kind of transport is extremely important to us in the future.


Lewis, M. The Future of Automobiles & Car Technology — Hybrid, Electric & Driverless Cars. Retrieved from

