
Saad Azim
Car or NO Car?
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

What would be the future like? I think all of us wonder around this question at some point in our lives. The future as we know will have multiple dimensions just like any time in our life has. The focus of my discussion will be the dimension of future with respect to transportation. Transportation, over the passage of time has evolved immensely and not only that but has become an increasingly vital part of all of our lives, and perhaps this is the reason I am so interested in researching about transportation and how might it change with the upcoming future. Being citizens of the mother Earth, every single one of us should be as concerned as I am about the future of transport, because it not only affects us but also the coming generations and how all of us will carry out our professional lives with its evolution. There is no doubt that transport has advanced to a great extent in the past two to three decades, but the question that arises is that what now? We have witnessed the incredible turbocharged cars and jumbo jets like the Airbus A380, but will these remain feasible in the future? Will they be replaced, if yes then with what? What will be the new concept of transportation? Given, the status of natural resources and fossil fuel, how will the mechanism of transport alter itself to adjust in the given resources. And last but not the least, how will the future transportation affect professional and work life. Let us stay together and read through what I think when it comes to the future of our very own cars!

