People Spotlight

Carat Global
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017

Jody Saunders, Global Data Strategist

Can you give us a quick background of who you are and how you came here today?

I’m originally from a tiny village north of Brighton at the foot of the South Downs and after various stints living in France, Canada and Australia, I finally feel like a Londoner.

Having studied economics, then working in banks and insurance firms across a few (varied) analytical disciplines, I switched sectors in 2012 and moved into advertising. Initially, I had no idea where I could apply my skill set but after some sound guidance from friends (and family) in the industry, I landed in a small social media research agency called Human Digital — which had just been acquired by M&C Saatchi. After stints at digital agency Dare and MEC, practicing data strategy, insight and tech development at both, before coming to Carat Global in March 2017 as a Data Strategist with the express intent of developing the specialism within the agency and for global clients. It’s a massive network (which is great!) with many powerful capabilities.

What is it about your area of business that really interests you?

Ultimately, I’m an analyst. I still enjoy discovering the nuances of how people behave and respond to advertising. However, as the environments we can advertise in become increasingly complex, my role delves further into the mechanics and signals available to us to capture the attention of audiences. Looking at new technologies and how they could affect our industry such as blockchain, certainly gets me thinking!

What is one career-defining moment for you so far?

Switching from the financial sector into advertising/marketing. After living in Australia for a few years, I came back with the prospect of another job hunt in banking/insurance, which just didn’t inspire me. During a memorable conversation with my father, he mentioned that analytics in digital was a growth area and I haven’t looked back since!

Do you think being in a data role has been good for collaboration across the network?

Oh definitely. As a network, we’re all aware of the importance of ‘data’ but delivering great ‘data work’ can often be tricky. I rely on so many great specialists across the network to help deploy, utilise and continually develop how we leverage data and technology for our clients. Big projects like DMP deployments need a lot of attention and collaboration is key to drive efficiencies from them.

What does a typical weekend look like for you?

I’d like to think I don’t have ‘typical’ weekends! Although, if I’m being honest, it would probably involve a combination of me escaping London on my bike, watching sport (live if possible) eating well and seeing friends and family. I’m lucky enough that they’re all fairly local.

Is there anything you do outside of work that inspires you when you return to the office?

Plenty. I still have no idea why I’m based in London as mountains and oceans are where I’m happiest. I’m often planning new adventures to ski, snowboard, surf, climb and cycle, as they’re amazing in their own right but secretly (or not so much) they’re just excuses to get somewhere slightly wild. It gives me the chance to clear my head and I usually come back to the office with loads of ideas.

What is it that you most enjoy about your role?

That no two days are the same. Maybe a little cliché but as data and technology capabilities advance so rapidly, our approach to a challenge (client or otherwise) may be different from one month to the next. Continually evolving, learning from the many smart people in the network and developing our thinking is a constant source of gratification for me.

