People Spotlight

Carat Global
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

Malena Bustelo, SVP, Group Media Director, Carat USA

Can you give us a quick background of who you are, how you came here today?

I’ve been in the NY Ad Agency world for 19 years. I spent my career mostly in Planning across both Multicultural and General Market accounts at a handful of agencies. I joined Carat 5 years ago as the lead over the Multicultural Discipline. About two years into the role, I found myself with extra time so I raised my hand to help out on some of the General Market businesses. This led to my current role today leading Beiersdorf, Tourism Ireland and a few smaller Global accounts with US activity. I still consult on Multicultural projects as the need arises, but my day to day accounts keep me consistently busy and energised.

What is it about your area of business that really interests you?

Media is very social (I mean this in the physical sense) and offers latitude for creative thinking even with all the number crunching we do. I enjoy navigating people, personalities and problem solving in creative ways so it’s a good match for my personality.

What is one career-defining moment for you so far?

Truth be told, I don’t believe I’ve had one just yet. Yes, it’s been 19 years and I feel I’ve worked hard, been successful and am grateful and blessed for this success, but I haven’t reached my full potential. I look forward to achieving something I can look back on and say was a career-defining moment. I think the best is yet to come. My life-defining moment, only a year ago, was the birth of my daughter Stellina. She’s just a doll and I have never been more enamoured with anything or anyone in my life. If a career-defining moment is supposed to feel something like this.. yeah, I haven’t had that yet.

What has been your greatest challenge so far?

Staying current and up to date with our changing landscape. It’s tough to stay relevant but it’s not impossible if you’re simply willing to embrace a constant learning nature. It can be uncomfortable sometimes to feel like you just don’t have all the answers, but that vulnerability is motivating too.

What is your greatest piece of advice for those who would like to be a leader one day?

Be honest. Be gracious. Work hard. Always support and recognise your team and never shy away from new opportunities… even the ones that evoke a little fear!

