People Spotlight

Carat Global
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2018

Victoria Armitage, Global Data Strategist

Do you think being in a data role has been good for collaboration across the network?

Absolutely! As a team, we are geographically split between New York and London, therefore even at the very basic level good collaboration is a necessity. In my opinion, it is vital to delivering outstanding work for our clients that we are able to collaborate effectively. Most projects require us to work with clients and account teams to understand the business challenge we face, and to work with experts around the network to explore and develop robust solutions to meet those challenges. It’s not always easy but it is always worthwhile.

How do you continue to stay engaged at work?

First of all- I’m lucky enough to be part of a small but stellar team who enjoys working through challenges together. Out of necessity, and pure interest, we actively seek inspiration and learn every day. Having such a diverse team in terms of skills and culture means that we have different ways of viewing our work, sometimes with quite surprising outcomes.

Is there anything you do outside of work that inspires you when you return to the office?

I’m an avid bookworm- I generally have several books on the go and several more podcasts that I listen to whilst I’m running or pottering around the kitchen at home. Topics are broad from mystery thriller through anthropology to language, strategy and of course… data. I often find that these activities either provide inspiration or, by not looking directly at the challenge, the solution to an issue or part of the puzzle drops into place. It’s also a good way to clear the cobwebs and provide fresh focus for what the next day will bring.

Did you always know that you wanted to work in a data role?

In fact, I originally wanted to work in creative. By happy accident, fresh out of university, I ended up in digital media which allowed scope for creativity. Over the years that morphed into digital strategy and increasingly I found myself focused on the value and importance of data especially when it comes to a more personalised world. Finding a more human way to tell what can be a complicated story has become critical. I’ve come to data the long way around but it’s an exciting world to operate in.

What is it that you most enjoy about your role?

For all the reasons above, the role can be a bit manic- but there’s an essential truth to what we do. The world we work in is ever-changing which means you’re constantly learning and adapting. For those reasons, it’s a truly fascinating and satisfying job.

You’re not originally from New York, what was it that made you want to try the Big Apple?

Around 6 years ago I swapped London life for the beaches and traffic jams of LA and more recently swapped that relative calm for the hustle and extreme seasons of New York. So why now New York? Because I love travel and New York is always a good idea!

