Carbo Culture is proud to welcome Carola Puusteli as an independent board member!

Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024
Carola Puusteli, Strategy & Technology VP at Schneider Electric

Carola Puusteli brings a wealth of experience from the energy sector and a unique industry perspective to the Carbo Culture board of directors.

Carola Puusteli, Strategy & Technology VP at Schneider Electric, is a certified independent board professional. She has built a significant career in strategic business development and is an experienced board member. “Carola is such an asset to our board, having been on many different boards including energy players such as Polarium, and having that vast techno-economic expertise from having been part of building the energy transition industry.,” says Henrietta Moon, CEO and co-founder of Carbo Culture.

So who’s Carola Puusteli? She describes herself as a Swede living in France since the late 80s. She is a serial entrepreneur passionate about customer satisfaction, sustainability, ethical business behaviour, and people development. She has launched five companies in four countries and numerous new activities within multinationals like ABB and Schneider-Electric. It doesn’t come as a surprise that she describes herself as an entrepreneur at heart. Her experiences have helped her to develop an intuition about how markets develop. She is eager to participate in businesses that have the power to shape the world.

During her career in industrial sales and marketing, Carola has gained an understanding of many different industries like F&B, Pulp & Paper, Power & Grid, and Steel as customer segments. She emphasises the importance of translating technical solutions into business value for the C-level audience. It is crucial to show how innovation can impact the client’s top and bottom line through improved customer satisfaction, sustainability, and reputation. She seems to be bursting with ideas on developing customer segments, doing C-level sales and successful account management.

“We need to capture more carbon, scale it up and make it more affordable!”

So, what are Carola’s expectations for Carbo Culture’s future? To achieve our climate targets, we need long-term carbon capture. The carbon credit market is one of the areas where Carbo Culture can help customers achieve their carbon removal targets while building their low-carbon solutions. “So, both a revenue avenue and a support for the sustainable operations of Carbo Cultures customers.”

Carola wants Carbo Culture to become the worldwide leader in biochar carbon removal, contributing substantially to reducing global warming. “We need to capture more carbon, scale it up and make it more affordable!” she states enthusiastically.

The energy transition is an important topic for Carola. She believes that Carbo Culture will have a key role in enabling it. She foresees that in the future Carbo Culture’s solution can be used to stabilise the electrical grid as a zero-carbon addition to support intermittent renewable generation.

“Happy — and proud — to start working for a company that has sustainability as the core of the business.”

Carola envisions Carbo Culture developing a thought leadership position in sustainable operations and shares that she is “happy — and proud — to start working for a company that has sustainability as the core of the business.” Like everyone at Carbo Culture, Carola shares the feeling of gratitude for contributing to reducing global warming and doing something meaningful for the planet.

Carbo Culture board also includes Henrietta Moon, CEO and co-founder; Christopher Carstens, CTO and co-founder; and Toni Schneider, Partner at True Ventures, Sophia Bendz from Cherry VC, May Liew from GenZero, and Heli Kerminen from Tesi joined in association with the successful Series A funding round at the end of 2023.

