Leveraging Data To Tell Compelling Stories

Sedale Turbovsky
3 min readSep 8, 2016

carbonBLU Testing Services

We live in a world that marketers a decade ago only dreamed of. The data-rich environment we have created is rife with possibility. One of the challenges many companies face now is not a lack of data, but the sheer abundance of it. Collecting and shaping data can be a daunting task.

At carbonBLU we are proud to provide state-of-the-art emissions testing services. Not only will we collect and analyze data, we will use it to tell your story. Over the last few years, we have expanded our capabilities to include managing lab testing and performing in-use emissions testing services. Our technicians have over 30 years of experience in the industry and are backed by a host of certification and engine testing specialists courtesy of a partnership with ECO, Inc.

Now you can validate product claims, create powerful case studies and generate compelling third party data to support your work.

Why Use In-Use Testing?

Our focus is on measurement tracking as engines are in use. carbonBLU is fuel and technology agnostic which means we test all engines and all fuels. As made apparent from the recent Volkswagen scandal, lab testing can often be deceptive, even in the best of cases, which is why we provide portable state-of-the-art emissions testing equipment.

Our experience ranges from grant projects and technology demonstrations to compliance testing and engine certification work. We start each partnership by making certain you have developed the right questions and ensure that you don’t pay for more testing than what is necessary.

Check out our head of testing services, Andrew Burnett, as he explains a custom in-use testing set up used on a recent project.

PEMS Testing In Action

Lab Testing

Additionally, we excel in a laboratory setting. We provide full assistance to our clients in emission testing and durability demonstrations for on-road and off-road engines, vehicles, emission control devices , and fuel systems. We have developed long-standing relationships with many of the top testing facilities in the world and use our contacts to help you find the most cost-effective testing resources available in the industry.

Lastly, we take the data we collect and use it to tell your story. Our experts will work with you to craft the narratives around your project and summarize our findings. Data collection is the easy part. Our team at carbonBLU is supported by amazing storytellers and marketers. We can ensure that not only will your data prove a point, it will be used to tell powerful and compelling stories to consumers and the regulatory agencies.

Use the comments section below to let us know what you use to collect and manage your data. Feel free to voice concerns, comments or questions you might have.

Find out more by contacting us here, following carbonBLU on LinkedIn or sending me an email at



Sedale Turbovsky

CEO. Startup Junkie. Professional Human Being. Investor. Business Designer. Strategic Consultant. Currently CEO at Egeria.