Carbon Beta Community Update #3 (July 6, 2023)

Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2023


In this update we’ll cover:

  • Top Performing Strategies
  • Integrations
  • Governance
  • Community & Content

Top Performing Strategies

The number of user strategies created onchain and via is growing — with over 265 strategies created to date, and over 200 currently live.

Numerous user strategies are now generating double-digit and triple-digit APRs. This is with no liquidity mining rewards — showing that Carbon strategies can generate sustainable returns for makers simply by capturing the spread between their buy and sell ranges.

You can view the top performing strategies on the new Carbon Dune Dashboard, which was recently released and is being continuously added to.

In the Strategy Info section, you can view metrics for each active and deactivated strategy, including the strategy’s date of creation, the number of days live, the strategy’s current ranges, how many times the strategy has been updated, and its current ROI.

See this Twitter thread on some of the top performing strategies in the network:

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a top earner on Carbon? There’s only one week left in Carbon’s trading competition! Top-earning strategies win over $10K in USDC! Join the competition:



Thanks to Carbon’s integration with OpenOcean, MetaMask swaps are now being routed through Carbon strategies!

The Graph

The Carbon Subgraph has been deployed on the Graph’s decentralized network on Arbitrum!

Developers can now utilize Carbon data via the Graph Protocol to build deeper and more seamless integrations with Carbon. In particular, the new Subgraph will accelerate ongoing DEX aggregator integrations.

Gnosis Safe Wallet

Safe Wallet has listed Carbon as a verified app. Safe Wallet is particularly popular with institutions and asset managers — who now have easier access to Carbon thanks to this integration.


The popular portfolio analyzer has integrated Carbon, allowing users to see the balance of their holdings in Carbon, broken down by strategy.

Here’s the announcement:


Carbon FeeBurner

Whereas the previous version of the Carbon FeeBurner could only receive tokens in BNT, it can now receive non-BNT tokens (e.g., ETH, WBTC etc.) collected as protocol-earned fees. This improves the efficiency of the Carbon FeeBurner to collect protocol earnings.

As Carbon has increased its total live strategies and liquidity, so too has the level of protocol arbitrage (powered by Fast Lane):


🤖 Learn how to run your own arbitrage bot using Fast Lane, or get support in the Carbon Telegram channel.

Community & Content

The Smart Ape

The Smart Ape breaks down limit order strategies on Carbon.

Crypto Koryo

Carbon project lead Dr. Mark Richardson appeared on acclaimed trader Crypto Koryo’s new podcast:

Catch the highlights from the interview


Carbon was featured in Benzinga

Blockchain Reporter

Carbon was featured in Blockchain Reporter


Attending EthCC next month in Paris? Join us for a day dedicated to Token Engineering! Dr. Mark Richardson will present “Carbon — a Significant Change for Onchain Liquidity, and How We Designed it” on July 19th. More details


🗿☕️ Don’t forget to join the weekly Coffee Break!

📰 Carbon ecosystem updates, alpha on Carbon strategies, industry trends, news and more!

🎙 Every Friday at 12PM EST / 4PM UTC in the Bancor Discord

To get involved and stay up to date:




A decentralized protocol for asymmetric trading and liquidity. Visit