Carbon Mainnet Launch

4 min readApr 20, 2023


It’s go time! Carbon has been deployed to the Ethereum mainnet!

Carbon equips users with brand new ways to trade in DeFi while supporting on-chain, decentralized liquidity for the token economy.

  • With Carbon, users can create automated trading strategies using custom on-chain limit orders and range orders.
  • A user can submit an individual order or combine their orders together to create a recurring strategy that buys in one price range and sells in a separate price range, on repeat.
  • As the market price moves into selected ranges, orders are executed by spot traders who interact with Carbon directly, via DEX aggregators, or as arbitrageurs.

No more self-reversing liquidity, complex liquidity management tools, and MEV bots feasting on trades. By design, Carbon liquidity trades in a single direction. As a result, orders are irreversible on execution, easily adjustable directly on-chain, and natively resistant to MEV sandwich attacks. All with no reliance on oracles or keepers.

See instructions on creating a Carbon strategy for any standard ERC20 in this Strategy Guide.

From X*Y=K to Asymmetry: A Brief History of On-Chain Liquidity

Carbon marks a new era for on-chain trading and liquidity.

The first generation of on-chain liquidity — supported by constant-product AMMs — required liquidity providers to buy and sell tokens across an infinite number of prices.

The introduction of concentrated liquidity gave liquidity providers the ability to set a specific range of prices where they offer to buy and sell tokens.

Carbon is the first protocol to offer “asymmetric liquidity”, whereby users can distinguish between their buy and sell ranges. Ranges can be placed above and below a set price based on where a user expects a given token will trade — automating the process of “swing trading” any standard ERC20 token.

Take Control of Your Liquidity

Carbon gives users greater control over their liquidity to execute novel trading strategies on-chain.

Some examples:

  • Trade a crabby ETH market with an ETH/USDC strategy that buys ETH in a lower range ($1800-$1900) and sells ETH in an upper range ($2100-$2200). Fund the strategy with USDC only.
  • Trade a “bullish token unlock” with a strategy that buys the dip leading up to the unlock, and sells when the token rises.
  • Arb pegged assets — e.g., an ETH/rETH strategy that buys ETH when it de-pegs below the price of rETH, and sells the ETH when it re-pegs to the price of rETH. Or, a DAI/USDC strategy that buys and sells DAI when it de-pegs and re-pegs.

By design, Carbon strategies are:

  • Composable: Users submit individual orders or combine their orders to create recurring strategies that buy a token low and sell it high in distinct price ranges, in perpetuity, using a single source of liquidity that automatically rotates between orders.
  • Irreversible: Unlike existing on-chain liquidity protocols where users must manually monitor and withdraw their liquidity upon execution in order to finalize a limit or range order, Carbon orders trade in one direction and are final on execution, eliminating the risk of order reversal.
  • Adjustable: Strategy updates can be made in a highly gas efficient manner, without needing to withdraw and re-create your liquidity position, via adjustable parameters exposed in each strategy’s NFT.
  • MEV Resistant: Spot trading is completely resistant to Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) sandwich attacks.

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A decentralized protocol for asymmetric trading and liquidity. Visit