Advisor Spotlight: Jeremy Seow, ChainRock

Carbon Grid Protocol
2 min readAug 15, 2018

Jeremy academic roots are in User Experience and have extensive experience in product roles. Before joining Chainrock, Jeremy was the Director of Sales at Zopim, which was acquired by Zendesk (NYSE:ZEN). At Zendesk, Jeremy was Product lead and owned the Zendesk Message product entirely.

Jeremy sharing at a Sequoia Capital meet up

Since leaving Zendesk, Jeremy joined global digital asset investment firm, ChainRock where he heads business development. As an expert in product development and scaling, Jeremy helps and advises blockchain projects such as DataStreamX and

From left: Tak Lo, managing director of AI accelerator, Jeremy Seow, senior product manager of Zendesk, and Virginia Yang, head of product of Image credit: Tech in Asia.

Since joining Carbon Grid Protocol, Jeremy has been instrumental in shaping the progress of the Carbon Grid product, with a key focus on communicating the right messages to the different group of audiences within the blockchain and environmental communities. Key to any successful product launch, is to ensure the messaging is succinct and understandable. His philosophy isthat a product is as good as its messaging. If the potential user cannot even understand the product’s purpose, it is difficult to find the group of early adopters which reduces the chance for adoption.

This is what Jeremy has to share about Carbon Grid Protocol:

“Carbon credits are one of the major tools in the fight for climate change. However, it has always been quite inaccessible and holding companies accountable has always been a challenge. Carbon Grid will help change that and I think that increase in accountability and ease of use will mean the difference for companies adopting carbon credits.”



Carbon Grid Protocol

Tech Entrepreneur with a focus on Fintech, Clean Energy and Blockchain.