Blockchain for Climate Action III — Climate Chain Coalition

Carbon Grid Protocol
2 min readMay 6, 2018

Live from Bonn, Germany: It has been an amazing day for New Era Energy. Our Environmental Chief Officer, Mr. Matthias Gelber, represented New Era Energy at the UN Climate Change Conference on Blockchain and at the Climate Chain Coalition Press Conference. Some of the speakers include:

Miroslav Polzer — Secretary General, International Association for Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges

Alexandra Lutz — Youth Climate Lab

Alexey Shadrin — CEO of Russian Carbon Fund

Joseph Robertson — Citizens’ Climate Lobby & Citizens Climate Engagement Network

Dr. Martin Frick — Senior Director Policy and Programme coordination, UNFCCC

And our very own, Matthias Gelber — Environmental Chief Officer, New Era Energy

From left: Joseph Robertson, Miroslav Polzer, Alexandra Lutz, Dr. Martin Frick, Alexey Shadrin, Matthias Gelber

Matthias shared with the press and audience present on the opportunities of how blockchain can be used to mobilise and incentivise climate friendly behaviour.

Preparing to meet the Press at World Conference Center Bonn

Last month, we were the first project out of Asia to be part of the Climate Chain Coalition, a blockchain initiative supported by UNFCCC. Being part of the committee has opened up doors and opportunities for more partnerships within the blockchain for climate change space, which has also largely influenced our scoping for our product development.

New Era Energy is also proud to announce our first product developing — the Carbon Grid Protocol. Carbon Grid Protocol is a complementary protocol layer that works with other blockchains to account for the carbon footprint produced. As part of the protocol, Carbon Grid aims to accelerate buyers’ awareness and adoption of carbon credits.

We will be providing more updates and announcements soon on the latest initiatives and collaborations happening at Bonn. Keep a look out at this space!



Carbon Grid Protocol

Tech Entrepreneur with a focus on Fintech, Clean Energy and Blockchain.