The Future of Carbon Grid Protocol — The CGRID Community and the Growing Ecosystem

Carbon Grid Protocol
3 min readAug 14, 2018

The Carbon Grid vision does not end at its projected official launch in Q3 2019. Carrying on its goal to combat climate change, the CGRID team aims to branch out its ecosystem by promoting large scale user activity and encouraging mass adoption.

In a quest to empower developers and innovators in the rising decentralised application (DApps) sector and allow them to gain access to the carbon market, CarbonSDK in the Carbon Grid ecosystem is an open source framework and developer toolkit for the community to build DApps, which work with the smart contract template in the Carbon Grid network.

An initial set of DApps, in the form of CarbonFolks, CarbonCart and CarbonEdutainment, are currently in development by Carbon Grid. The aim of these DApps is to make the carbon market accessible, as well as to educate the community about the impact of carbon footprints and importance of green initiatives. CarbonSDK aims to unlock the potential for blockchain networks and DApps to become major new players in the vast untapped global market for carbon credits.


CarbonFolks will allow the masses to easily record green initiatives, envisaged for the community to get better access to carbon credit verification. It will incorporate social and community-based features, aimed at getting community level-involvement. The community can upload Proof of Green documents, earn Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) and convert them into CGRID Tokens for use at selected merchants.

The verification process of CarbonFolks cuts out intermediaries and consultants needed, which often makes access to the carbon credit market difficult. This is done through a streamlined method that involves pseudo-randomly selecting three verifiers from the community, ensuring that the Proof of Green documents submitted are accurate through results matching.

CarbonFolks’ design is aimed at creating a rewarding and engaging ecosystem for everyone to participate in, where every action can make a difference.


CarbonCart is aimed to function as an add-on plug-in for the CarbonFolks DApp, connecting retailers, brands and organisations that support the ecosystem by facilitating the purchase of carbon credits for the masses. The aim of this is to offset carbon footprints emitted by the business by either passing it onto their customers or absorbing it themselves through the carbon credits.


As its name implies, CarbonEdutainment aims to educate and entertain the masses about the impact of carbon footprints and promote the awareness of climate change through social games. The goal is to convert new users and enable existing users to participate in the buyer/seller market for carbon credits generated in CarbonFolks.

White-label DApps

Developers will be able to leverage upon the Carbon Grid Protocol consensus mechanism and release a fully-contained node software that is compatible with any major cloud platform. They do not have to implement any consensus layer with Carbon Grid. This means that they can simply focus on building the DApp and combating climate change with their projects.

CarbonSDK is a full-featured blockchain that runs concurrently with the Ethereum smart contracts based on the Proof of Authority consensus model. It is an industry-focused application; especially for projects with a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) focus. Every DApp is able to run on the Carbon Grid Protocol or on its own sidechain, meaning that the data and features are public and forkable.

With the eventual development of more DApps in the evolution of the Carbon Grid vision, it will signify the expansion of Carbon Grid Protocol, ensuring that the community grows in an ecosystem where every small action counts towards fighting climate change.

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