NERA — Our 3-Phase Solution to a Greener World

Carbon Grid Protocol
4 min readJan 17, 2018

Mankind rarely imagines our world will no longer exist, indeed the very thought leads one adrift where you have no answer to an inevitable situation. We don’t think beyond the here and now, we don’t imagine we may not have our oceans and forests, our wildlife and clean air or water. We have always taken nature’s bounties as a given, to be used without consequence as there’s “always more” to be found somewhere on the planet.

Man’s increasing consumption of natural resources has led us to a point where projects like NERA become more and more crucial to sustainability.

At our last count, clean energy accounts for a mere 4% of the world’s total with US$200 billion in accessible green funds sitting around, doing nothing. Over 60% of major corporations worldwide have made the claim they’re going green or have incorporated an environmental program to account for their carbon footprint. Unfortunately, this is not so, and we have reached that point where using “clean, green” gimmicks should be actionable if they’re truly not doing their part. Diversions and stalling have led us to drastic action, which is why we have come up with a 3-Phase proposed solution in the hopes of changing the path we’re on.

Phase 1 — NERA Online

Stage 1 consists of NERA’s online platform. We envision that it will allow users easy access to recording their carbon footprint in exchange for our tokens. We will ensure our platform is accessible to private and public corporations, single individuals and communities — this is a global initiative, so we need everyone to jump on board and participate. Leader boards and achievement slots are waiting to be unlocked and provide an extra incentive for our members. Our tokens may also be exchanged for goods and services from future participating merchants — it has never been easier to go green!

Phase 2 — NERA Green Cities

Explore green cities

As we have mentioned in numerous articles, green homes and cities are the way of the future. Hong Kong has been established as one of the metropolitan cities to keep an eye on as they not only tackle green architecture, but ensure their city as a whole maintains a harmonious balance with nature. Green homes have become fashionable in the past year or 2, and while this is a great selling point to those in the media spotlight, the ultimate goal is for our cities to be powered by renewable energy. NERA aims for a clean energy economy powered by our global cryptocurrency.

Phase 3 — Nera World

As with all worthy projects, one looks at the rewards and weighs up the pros and cons. NERA makes it easy for our members to promote green living. We envision a borderless green economy where anyone, anywhere can take part in our project:

● Work with NERA

● Earn a living with NERA

● Spend with NERA

Today’s Issues

Trading in carbon credits has become a “must” if you’re a global player as it shows you’re being socially and environmentally conscious in your business ethics. While carbon credits are a tradable commodity, there are many hoops one has to jump through in order to earn it.

The red tape makes trading in this commodity both cumbersome and expensive — these rules effectively cut out all private individuals, which is a major point of contention in the battle to combat climate change.

NERA’s platform will potentially make carbon trading as easy as buying something online. Our simple formulas ensure individuals get their green activities certified in the blink of an eye and are able to convert their carbon credits into NERA tokens. While this may take months for B2Bs or others interested in carbon trading, NERA tokens aims to offer users faster transaction times in which to claim their benefits.

NERA will offer you a previously inaccessible market, available to anyone who wants to promote green living and with the ability to gain rewards from doing so. Who says it doesn’t pay to be green?

Want to share your opinion? Comment below — NERA loves feedback!

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