Engage much?

George Rmz
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2017

I wonder, have companies moved into de 21st century already? Gallup estimates that up to 60% of Millennials are open for new job opportunities. Wow. So, why is this happening? What are we doing to solve this?

Gallup also reveals that Millennials who are engaged to their companies are only about 29%. Yet again: wow. Need more? Well, apparently another 16% are actively disengaged. This leaves a stunning 55% of Millennials just “showing up” at work but are not feeling engaged to their companies.

Certainly, millennials have a different mindset than their previous generations, but not only that, they also have different needs. They say that Millennials are the most (academically) prepared generation, but also the most un- and underemployed.

Without getting into Econonomics details and Global or Political changes, companies have now the opportunity (and responsibility) to step up and modernize their cultures. It’s time to go EPIC! Most of this falls in the shoulders of leaders who sometimes don’t step up to the new 21st century management and leadership strategies. Leaders before had the responsibility of managing results, now it’s about managing their people who get the results. This shift to care more about the people is what companies are doing now and what ultimately gets them engaged to their companies.

So what can we do to engage employees?

The good news is: there is not ONE solution. The bad news: there is not ONE solution. Every company has its own culture that should take into account maybe just as important as its financial status, marketing programs or operations. At the end of the day, money doesn’t get results, people do.

From my experience (as I have mentioned on a previous article), people stay and feel engaged when they feel challenged, when they are heard, and when they feel they are part of something bigger. Gallup mentions that 87% of Millennials say that development is important in a job. If it’s THAT clear, why won’t companies notice?

We believe in passion here at Carbono. It’s part of our EPIC values (empathy, passion, innovation, and creativity) and what we consider really keeps that “fire” burning for new ideas, day-to-day good times, and an overall willingness to contribute to the World. This is what makes us feel engaged to our job. Wether it’s painting, talent shows, sharing a barbecue, or just making SCRUM work properly, we feel those are ways to make the magic happen from within.



George Rmz
Editor for

Passionate for boxing, wine, whisky, coffee, fountain pens, and everything new to learn. Currently at Mty, Mx.