Meet the team (part 3)

George Rmz
Published in
8 min readNov 10, 2017

For the last part of our “Meet the team” posts, we present the rest of the team that turn ideas into magic.

Meet Rubén, CBO at Carbono.

A song that everybody should listen to?
“Intro” by The XX. It’s a very short song, only two minutes long, but since you start listening to the song you can tell it’s gonna be something special. It doesn’t fit into just one music genre, instead, it combines a lot of genres. There are different articles written by music experts that say that this song is one of the most interesting in all of history because of the way it’s done.

What is a meal or drink that you enjoy preparing?
Barbecue or “carne asada”. I always roast vegetables, potatoes, but there has to always be a piece of meat such as Rib eye, Sirloin, Arrachera. I usually just prepare it with salt and pepper once a week. I also like to prepare Jamaica water boiling the jamaica flower to get a richer flavor. Something I’d like to learn to prepare is cold brew coffee. It’s a different technique but a great option for a fresh quality drink.

Someplace you would like to travel to?
I’ve always felt a great fascination and admiration for Egypt. It’s a culture that has a huge part on World history, it has great museums, and obviously the great pyramids. All I’ve read about the Pharaohs regarding astronomy, mathematics, or even the theories that they were guided by extraterrestial life and it all makes me want to go there. However, I haven’t really made plans to go because I need to save time and money. I’ll make a chance to go later on.

Do you have a nickname?
Just “Rubens”. At some point, people started calling me Rubens around the time I was in college, so some people continue calling me like that.

A fun fact about yourself?
I didn’t like seafood until I was about 19 years old. When I was little, my dad gave me shrimp and fish but I didn’t even stand the smell, so I grew up hating everything about it. But one day I felt like trying a shrimp cocktail, so I went to buy it and loved it! It’s actually now one of my favorite food. I can’t help thinking of all the times I went to the beach as a kid and missed the opportunity to eat some quality and fresh seafood.
I also love golfing. I think it has huge analogies with life and the way we deal with adversity. It’s a sport that requires a lot of patience, dedication, focus, and emotional balance to succeed.

A phrase or 3 words that best describe you?
“No matter what you do, do it great”. It’s a motto that I’ve learned from my dad and I can relate to it. No matter if it’s preparing a meal, going out with friends, studying for an exam, or whatever, I believe in involving myself to it and assuring the best results.

Meet Paulina, Web Developer Intern at Carbono.

A song that everybody should listen to?
“I want it that way” by Backstreet Boys. I think it’s a cute song for everyone to listen because it has a lot of feeling. I usually sing it to the top of my lungs while I’m in my car.

What is a meal or drink that you enjoy preparing?
Mostly spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and learn how to make a better lasagna. I enjoy preparing italian food more than everything.

Someplace you would like to travel to?
Italy, like in Venice, Naples, and other regions in Italy. I have been studying italian in order to sometime in the future travel to Italy. A cousin and me are trying to make a trip on 2019 but who knows, maybe even before.

Do you have a nickname?
Pau, Pausheen, Pauchi, Pauchito. In my house everybody calls me Pauchito.

A fun fact about yourself?
I am super afraid of moths, butterflies, and ladybugs. I can’t stand seeing them. Also, I can’t sleep without socks on.

A phrase or 3 words that best describe you?
I get easily distracted, sometimes I find it hard to focus. On the other hand, I consider myself responsible. And finally, I think I’m fun. Most people once they really get to know me they say I’m very fun.

Meet Marco, Technology Director at Carbono.

A song that everybody should listen to?
“Time flies” by Porcupine Tree; the only thing certain in life is time, it will pass you by, without you being able to do anything to stop it. After you realize time is the most precious thing you learn to make the most of it, to enjoy the present and to take whatever comes to you and not dwell on it.

What is a meal or drink that you enjoy preparing?
I really like making hotcakes, it’s something really simple but at the same time there are some small details that can make them tastier. I also enjoy grilling with a cold beer or a good clamato.
Mixing cocktails is something that I like too, I love to try new combinations and mixing different flavors, I think I usually have good ideas, I make them strong though.

Someplace you would like to travel to?
Russia really interests me, I would love to get to know more about their culture and also love all the winter landscapes. When I was younger I had the opportunity to visit Argentina, I loved the architecture in Buenos Aires, I would like to go back sometime; and get to know more of Argentina, especially the Patagonia glaciers.

Do you have a nickname?
Not really, people call me some variants of my first name, Marco, I don’t mind any of them but I hate when people call me Marcos.

A fun fact about yourself?
I’ve always liked technology and computers, and in general understanding how things work. When I was 13 or so I loved playing The Sims and hacking the game to add new items or change the way it behaved, but I didn’t know how it was programmed, so when they started teaching us a little bit of programming at school, after 2 classes I was really hooked and taught myself everything that we were going to learn at the class and more. That’s when I realized I wanted to study something related to computers, at the end I settled for computer science with a focus on software development, but in the future, I would like to focus on digital security as well.

A phrase or 3 words that best describe you?
When thinking about trying something don’t ask ¿why?; instead, try ¿why not? and just do it. I think that keeping an open mind and not being afraid of trying new things allows you to discover and enjoy life at its fullest, the worst feeling in the world is thinking about those opportunities you didn’t take out of fear.

Meet Abraham, Binacle Developer at Carbono.

A song that everybody should listen to?
“Comfortably numb” by Scissor Sisters. They made a cover of an already great song, it basically feels like Pink Floyd meets Bee Gees and it just blows my mind. It has nice lyrics that talk about feeling at ease or calmness and a different beat that makes you want to dance.

What is a meal or drink that you enjoy preparing?
That would have to be chilaquiles. They are really simple and quick to prepare. I’m not really into the kitchen, so this is a perfect option for me because it doesn’t require a lot of ingredientes of effort to prepare. I’m constantly looking for the perfect chilaquiles in every restaurant I visit.

Someplace you would like to travel to?
Japan, I think this place specially has such a magical vibe around it. It is really different on so many levels such as social, technological, political, and culturally. I’ve taken some japanese lessons in the past and I’m trying to keep learning and hopefully someday I’ll be able to travel over there.

Do you have a nickname?
Well, there was this time on high school that I had this special look starring my sunglasses like a celebrity, so some of my girl-friends started calling me “guapura” and it stuck with me with that group of friends. Not a bad nickname I guess.

A fun fact about yourself?
I have one favorite meal in every restaurant I go to, so each time I go there, I ONLY order that meal and nothing else. I get picky with food, so once I find a good option, I sitck to it. Another fact is that I don’t steal food from other people’s dishes.

A phrase or 3 words that best describe you?
“Always question everything, even yourself”. It’s something that I try to live by for the best, because everything can always be better, or we could constantly get biased by somethings and not be able to see the big picture regarding the decissions we make.

Meet Franco, Binacle Developer at Carbono

A song that everybody should listen to?
“Tremor” Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, they’re Belgian DJ’s and I like that song because it gets everybody moving. Just a great song to dance to!

What is a meal or drink that you enjoy preparing?
I don’t really have any kitchen skills, I guess just a regular banana milkshake that I usually drink in the mornings.

Someplace you would like to travel to?
Maybe someplace with really cold weather like Canada or Russia. I’m more of a hot weather-person, but I’d like to conquer the control over that super cold weather. Maybe once I’m back from a place like that, I won’t find cold weather as cold.

Do you have a nickname?
Cork. It’s just a name that I came up with a while ago. It’s made out of the last two letters of my name, plus the “rk” just because. I think it’s catchy.

A fun fact about yourself?
I didn’t say a word while i was in first grade in elementary school. Not a single word. Once I was in second grade I started talking but just nothing durint the first year. Yup, I’ve always been very quiet.

A phrase or 3 words that best describe you?
Quiet, intelligent, and optimistic. I never really talk much, but once I feel comfortable with someone, I tend to leave that behing. I consider that I learn things fairly quickly, and I’m usually looking on the bright side of situations to get the most out of it.



George Rmz
Editor for

Passionate for boxing, wine, whisky, coffee, fountain pens, and everything new to learn. Currently at Mty, Mx.