Cardanti: The Business Card That Plants Trees

Ştefan Alexandru Băluţ


10 billion. That’s how many business cards get printed on an annual basis. That’s 27 million in a single day.

Out of that 10-zero figure, approximately 8 billion business cards are tossed within a week. That’s a nice and round 88% of business cards.

Despite these figures, company sales increase by 2.5% for every 2,000 business cards handed out.

The number 1 reason why people throw business cards away: they don’t need your service now, but sometime in the future. They either forgot whom they had connected with, misplaced the card or unintentionally thrown it away.

If they need your service now or in the immediate future, your chances of making a sale or closing a contract are high.

This is one of the reasons why we created Cardanti, but more on that later.

The above numbers account for a significant amount of paper and other wood-byproducts. The business card industry has lagged for a significant amount of time when it comes to digitization.

Many of our habits have changed, but business and salespeople, entrepreneurs and freelancers, have maintained the habit of handing out a business card.

Digital alternatives to printed business cards have been around for a while (like sharing a link or a virtual profile), but most of them don’t have the reach to become popular or are thin-feature apps that are not user friendly enough for day to day use.

And speaking of day-to-day, it seems that nothing can replace the personal, elegant and professional gesture of handing out a business card.

Then there’s the elephant in the room: the environmental issue. Perhaps many do not realize just how big of an environmental nuisance these little pieces of cardboard are.

There are currently more than three billion employees worldwide, with 90% of them being white-collar workers who use traditional business cards.

7.2 million trees are being cut down each year for business cards, the majority of which will be discarded. Humans get a red card from ref Nature.

Conventional business cards are bulky, cumbersome, static and physical. If people run out of or forget to bring these along, they may miss an opportunity to make a connection.

There is also an ‘expiry date’ on each of these cards because if someone leaves the organization, the information on the card becomes obsolete.

On the environmental side, switching to a digital solution is also a cost-saving method for companies.

Instead of spending money on a stack of business cards for their employees, companies can simply order custom Cardanti business cards for each employee, with their logo, brand identity and company culture, but more on that too later in the article.

In the next section, we’re going to show you how Cardanti tackles the environmental issue, and then we’re going to finish off with the goodies that we have in store for you.

CardanTree: A Tree Planted for Every Business Card Sold

Tackling the environmental issue takes defense and offense.

On the defense side, we cancel tree cutting by manufacturing the business cards from durable, premium feel materials. Then we take the offensive side by planting trees.

How many trees will we plant?

For every business card sold, we will plant a tree together. This time, ref Nature is rooting for humans.

“Yes but, how will you do it and what guarantees that you will actually do it?”, you might ask.

Have you heard of Arbor Day Foundation? Chances are you have. Founded in 1972 by John Rosenow in Nebraska, US, it is a non-profit conservation and education organization built around the idea of tree planting. 2020’s Arbor Day took place on April 24th.

It is the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to tree planting. The Foundation’s stated corporate mission is “to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.”

People from all over the world have adopted the habit of tree planting throughout seasons, making the celebration international.

At the end of 2019, Arbor Day Foundation had a global fundraiser thanks to the Team Trees initiative by Mr Beast, a vlogger famous for his charitable actions. The likes of Elon Musk, Tesla Founder and Jack Dorsey, Twitter Founder have joined the cause.

The goal of Team Tress is to plant 20,000,000 trees starting this year. For this purpose, the initiative completed the fundraiser in a record 55 days.

A few of Arbor Day initiatives that benefit the environment

Water Quality:

· Mississippi Alluvial Valley: this reforestation project is replacing trees along the Mississippi River — trees that will help filter water, reduce contaminants flowing into the river, and help stop erosion. Helping to restore natural forested watershed will increase the amount of clean drinking water for cities across the country.

· Tree City USA: communities planting and caring for trees will help ensure clean water for residents. By replanting community tree canopies after natural disasters, we help re-establish protection from storm water runoff issues and provide a source for natural water filtration.

Air Quality:

· Carbon offsets: Trees planted and cared for through this program will sequester carbon and remove pollutants from the air.

· Alliance for Community Trees: this network of volunteer organizations across the country is planting trees to increase air quality, particularly in densely populated urban areas.

· Community Tree Recovery: helping communities replant their urban canopies after natural disasters will ensure that pollutants will continue to be removed from the air for years to come.

Climate Change:

· Carbon Offsets: by using trees to naturally sequester carbon emissions, we are slowing climate change.

· Habitat Projects: by helping to re-establish large portions of rain forest in Madagascar, lemur habitat is saved and the amount of carbon emissions in the air is reduced.

· Reforestation: Replanting forests across the nation and around the world is a key component to increasing carbon sequestration and slowing climate change.

Make your mark and plant a tree with Cardanti!

Cardanti joins the Team Trees team, which together with Arbor Day Foundation has the mission of restoring the ecological balance in favor of our rooted friends. Click here to see a few of the reforestation efforts that are already underway.

This way Cardanti (and you, the Cardanti business card holder) has a direct connection with nature, with a tree planted for every smart business card sold.

Cardanti business card is a simple and elegant networking product, which conveys the same professionalism that you get from using paper-backed business cards.

A high array of contact information can be easily transferred thanks to integrated NFC and QR functionalities. See how it works:

Click here if you want to buy one for yourself (special offerings for both individual and corporate customers).

