Oh What a Year!

Sally Hughes
2 min readDec 6, 2019


At the end of November we had the pleasure of taking part in the Wales Eden Communities ‘Oh What a Year!’ Event which aimed to celebrate community projects and partners in Cardiff.

Preparing to tell the story of the year we have had gave us a good opportunity or summing up our achievements. Here’s what we found.

Share Cardiff is a Cardiff Transition project to map and create a directory of the Cardiff based grassroots groups, neighbourhood projects, local community groups, co-ops, social enterprises and other initiatives that are achieving social good and that share the values of the sharing movement.

This year we have:

§ Built an online directory

§ Mapped 123 projects on the directory

§ Hosted 1 hackday to initiate the project

§ Designed an anti-brand brand with logo created by designer Josh Christie and community folks

§ Held 6 monthly meet-ups and 5 planning meetings

§ Delivered 5 community events in Cathays, Riverside, Grangetown, Butetown, Adamsdown

§ 83 Projects have come to showcase their work at the events

§ 236 people have taken part altogether

We’ve Been on Radio Cardiff, mapped at Riverside Market, recorded a Seismic podcast, attended a summer tea party and next week we will bring our map and book exchange to the Green Squirrel Secret Santa event.

We have one final event planned for January, Sensemaking, a time for reflection, learning and improvement, storytelling and opportunities, seeing what’s next…?:

2019 has been a memorable year for the above because…..?

Our greatest success has been holding the events and building the website – connecting people through these platforms, the feeling the events created, togetherness and belonging.

The conversations we have had, with each other and meeting other people. Rich, deep.

Our biggest insight from the year has been…..?

Building strong connections with others takes multiple connections/meetings/encounters and even then some people can’t or don’t want to connect more deeply. And that’s ok. Digital connections generally suck.

Our hopes for the future are that….?

In 2020 we grow our connections more deeply, being mindful about diversity, and telling stories. Being open and inviting to all, there’s much strength in being city wide

We hope to develop our approach to collaborative working, bringing together more people to be part of the core project group.

We need to tell many people about the directory (anti-marketing marketing strategy).

Other people can join us too…..?

  • Add your project to the online directory
  • Come to Sensemaking event in January, sign up to mailing list/follow us on socials to find out more
  • Forming steering group
  • Volunteer as an admin to help us run the website
  • Share your story as part of how we develop the storytelling part of the work next





Sally Hughes

Writing, gardening, eating local food. Permaculture designer and educator. Writer. Artist. Community Grower.