Happy Hour

Mikaelie Evans
Published in
1 min readNov 3, 2019

by Mikaelie Evans

Our society moves so quickly that at times our happiness feels forever fleeting, and we so often find solace in our vices. On the recent RMIT PWE study tour, it seemed to me that a lot of Westerners frequent Indonesia in an attempt to find themselves, or at least a bar that they can find comfort in. A never-ending happy hour. While the Balinese have adapted to much of our fast-paced capitalist world-view, they still maintain an ambiance through their easy-going attitudes. ‘Happy Hour’ explores this aspect of cultures merging. Perhaps Australians should be looking beyond alcoholism to find not just a happy hour, but a happiness with more longevity than a bartender can offer.

The first bar I visited

was kept by a charming Indonesian man.

His gorgeous smile

broadened when he told me,

“Chill out, we’re in Bali time now.”

Perhaps if us Westerners would leave our watches at home

Happy Hour would last all day.

