Odah Ayu

Polly Watkins
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2018

Amid the crazy rush of morning traffic a woman observes life’s small dramas.

Creative Commons: EverJean

exhaust blows fitful leaves
and oily petrol fumes
distilled with frangipani
flashing white-blue truck swallows
sleek beetle-black utility
nudges family piled on scooter
wedged in father’s lap child steers
ears pinned back riding high on traffic wave
streaks off beeps, Beep BEEP
brakes screech-squeal, shuddering
truck butts truck barrelling nose to tail
black on black on black on blue Bemo bus
school kids leap on, slouch among
sacks of rice, still sleepy

glimpsed, beyond
framed by low-slung frangipani
Odah Ayu sits wrapped in early shadow
raises cup to lips, sips steaming tea

lurching off, squat green mini van
sucks in conga line of scooter boys
arms flung about each other, lips curled
in self-mocking smiles; playing tag
rattan-stacked bicycle weaves in and out teasing
beaming Happy Cow on verdant meadow
collides with Mi Sedaap Goreng Ayam Krispi noodles
rubbery drumstick, fried egg sunny-side up
lurking metal bird, strung between
bulky wheels, steals sideways glance
at languid-eyed boy trailing cool girl in hipster black
straddled on red beat bike, gripping handle bars
blasting through midnight-blue billboard truck
Giv Beauty Body Wash Sensai Keharuman Glamour
obliterating bare-shouldered woman coyly smelling wrist
oblivious young man leans on wheel, picking nose

sun moves up high
shadows creep back small
Odah Ayu pours more tea
face soft-worn, upturned bronze eyes

dreamy cerulean blue sedan swerves
vigilant mother tucks arms and legs
of tired kids close against belly
large with another; pedalling fast
elderly bespectacled man
intent look under dull white Fez
carts carved wooden box
loose-hinged, crammed full
of colourful ikat silks
passing safari bus shouts
One Stop Marine Recreation!
craning out windows, ice-cream-coloured ladies
in visors, crisp linen shirts and matching shoes
perch iphones, snapping
picaresque old woman

framed by low-slung frangipani
Odah Ayu sits on front porch squinting
at noon-time sun, tidies sarong
and moves soundlessly back inside
chair-shadow uncurls, arches, yawns
follows into dark cool

Note: Odah is a Balinese word used to address grandmothers, ayu means beautiful.

