Cardstack 2022 Roadmap Update

A look into our progress this year

Cardstack Team
3 min readMay 30, 2022


The first and second quarters of 2022 have been a busy few months for the Cardstack Team. We’d like to give you an update on our progress in Q2.

Card Space (now Card XYZ)

We’ve made great progress in developing Card XYZ — the new name of Card Space. In addition to working on integrations with other Web3 protocols that facilitate B2B interactions, we have also spent a good amount of time building out the Linktree and creator profiles in-app. This work is moving full-steam ahead!

Card Wallet

Card Wallet is also making great steps forward. In addition to releasing a sleek new design for the mobile app, we have started embracing local stablecoin wrapping. This allows users to utilize any fiat on-ramp and then locally wrap their tokens in the .CPXD protocol. As we expand to other chains, this will reduce costs and the need to rely on a Card Protocol bridging infrastructure.

Wrapping on-chain will work similarly to how ETH is wrapped into WETH as a means to interact with smart contracts. A native token of USDC will be wrapped and a token called USDC.CPXD will be released on a 1:1 basis. This allows tokens to be created and wrapped into ERC-677 tokens, enabling users to make single, one-click payments rather than approve-and-send transactions. Moreover, we can leverage the .CPXD-wrapped token as native gas token through the protocol-managed gas policy.

Card Pay

On the Card Pay front, we’ve been diving into the cross-chain functionality, a direct component of the Card Wallet offering. To support cross-chain exchanges, we are implementing Create2 from within the Gnosis v1.3 safe protocol. This allows us to create safes on different networks that have the same smart contract addresses. This is the first step toward creating a user experience that can bridge chains. As part of this work, we will also release the Card Pay Protocol (and token wrapping) onto new chains in support of this initiative.

Card Reward

We’ve completed three test drops using Card Rewards. We rewarded active community members through the Card Reward Protocol, our recurring rewards tool that examines on-chain data and distributes rewards to users. We’ve given away 10 million CARD tokens to incentivize the adoption of Card Wallet. Here’s some more info about the Card Reward airdrop and a look at the results.

Staking will be done through our existing deposit / withdrawal bridge using the Cardstack dApp. In order to stake, you will need to use the Card Wallet mobile app as your Gnosis Chain wallet. When you deposit CARD into the protocol and hold the tokens in your Depot (deposit safe), you will earn monthly rewards. These monthly rewards will be claimable in the Card Wallet app by clicking on “Rewards” in the upper right-hand corner. Rewards will be based on a daily average balance of CARD tokens in your Depot.

Card Catalog

We are currently putting the finishing touches on a new catalog called the Web3 CoOp, an extensive and interactive brochure of software projects that will open the doors of Web3 to the general public. The Web3 CoOp allows dApp builders to list their projects on the platform and connect with contributors, developers, and investors to build the future of the Internet.

Card SDK

Before finalizing bi-directional linking and embedding across protocols and data sources, we have turned our attention toward integrating basic card editing experiences into the framework, so that our development team can begin working on the card authoring experience. We continue building an entirely composable framework, and will have more details soon.

To get all our latest updates, sign up for our newsletter on, star Cardstack on GitHub, and join our Discord channel or our Telegram group and announcement channel.



Cardstack Team

Official account for the team behind the Cardstack project.