November 2022: Tech Status Update

Progress updates on the payment scheduling tool, revenue and rewards distribution protocol & Cardstack Framework

Cardstack Team
3 min readNov 29, 2022


Payment scheduling tool

Our team is currently focused on building the user interface for the payment scheduling tool. The team has built a module for the Gnosis Safe ecosystem that allows automatic deduction from a Safe at pre-defined periodic intervals to support recurring payment workflows. The user interface for the scheduling tool will allow users to connect Metamask or Wallet Connect-compatible wallets to set up a Safe and use the scheduling tool.

The core infrastructure leverages our automation engine, Crank, to capture and execute parameters defined by the user such as payment frequency, token type, and amount for each scheduled transaction. We are further working to add more features to the UI before the public launch including the ability to monitor future payments and review payment history.

Revenue and rewards distribution protocol

Our team is working to extend Cardstack’s revenue and reward distribution protocol, used by our Staking system, to cover additional use cases such as revenue and reward distribution to a DAO’s contributors or community members with valid claim tickets. The claim ticket infrastructure leverages advanced data science tools to analyze on-chain data to derive the exact amount of revenue or rewards to be distributed among eligible members based on their contribution or activity history.

We have further completed the rollout of explainability. The explainability system gives users visibility into how their rewards are calculated and any commission charged by Cardstack. You can read more about explainability in our last month’s update here.

Cardstack Framework

We are unifying our work on the design system, UI component library, runtime, compiler, as well as our new animation engine under a framework project named Boxel. This unification allows our larger team to work together toward the launch of our open-source framework.

The framework allows applications to be hosted within the user’s browser with no hard dependency on hosting providers. The approach will allow applications to be self-hosted with the key components of the UI coming directly from module hosting services like NPM or various cloud-accelerated code distribution services.

We will continue this effort to combine a lot of ongoing R&D efforts in preparation to showcase the ability of our composability system to address various current challenges in the web2 and web3 ecosystems. We plan to release more documentation and examples under the Boxel name in the coming months.

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Cardstack Team

Official account for the team behind the Cardstack project.